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Instructions on how to report a project's content and costs

Check the reporting schedule from the funding decision and make a report in the online service.

Business Finland's project reporting has been simplified

Only one event is opened for each reporting period in the online service, and both the project content and costs are specified in the same report. This allows you to avoid situations where the second part of the reporting is inadvertently not delivered, for example.

Always submit all attachments, including the salary specification, through the service. To ensure the preservation of salary secrecy, the salary specification cannot be downloaded to be read in the online service.

In the online service you get more instructions on how to fill in the report. 

Reporting on your project

Report any changes to Business Finland

Discuss changes to the reporting schedule in advance with your project contact person. Apply for a change in the project in the online service.

Submit the report through the online service

The accountable project leader reports on the progress of and the costs incurred for the project through the online service. The auditor or cost statement contact person confirms the costs incurred for the project.

Business Finland pays out the funding

Business Finland pays out the funding on the basis of the funding report. The funding is to be paid to small and medium-sized enterprises within three weeks, to large enterprises within two months and to research organizations within three months of receipt of the report.

What funding did you receive? See the detailed instructions

Annexes to the RRF project reporting

If you have received funding for your project from the RRF program, the forms below may also be needed as an attachment to the report.

If your organization is a procurement entity as referred to in the Procurement Act, report the information of potential contractors and subcontractors using the form Notification of contractor and subcontractor information. 

Notification of contractor and subcontractor information

Notification of a foreign contractor or subcontractor to be filled in by a foreign contractor

The annual working time is monitored in projects that have received funding in the following RRF funding calls: RRF – 5G/6G, AI-, Quantum Development Environments, RRF – Innovation infrastructures or RRF – Key sectors and leading companies' partnership projects. Fill out the Notification of Researchers' annual working hours as an attachment to the report.

Notification of Researchers' annual working hours

RRF briefing 11.12.2023

Presentation material


You can find contact persons in the online service

  • If you have questions about project implementation, please contact the financial expert appointed for your project.
  • If you have questions about project accounting and cost monitoring, please contact the financial auditor appointed for your project.
  • If you have other questions about the project, please contact the funding coordinator appointed for your project.


to payment

Substantial deterioration in the beneficiary's financial position in relation to the anticipated trend, disruptions in payments, such as outstanding tax debts and arrears on Business Finland loans, will prevent the payment of funding. If a payment plan for outstanding tax debts has been drawn up with the Tax Administration, they will not prevent the payment of funding.

Another obstacle to payment may be that the company has negative equity and the register entry required by law has not been made.