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Call 31.3.-31.8.2019

Finland-China -call

I. Contacts in Finland:
Sebastian Johansson
Tel: +358 50 5577 975
sebastian.johansson (at)


II. Contact in China:
Tianxing (Luke) Li
Tel: +86 185 1563 3592 (at)

Call has ended!

Business Finland is announcing a China-Finland call together with Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. The call provides funding for joint research and development projects with at least one company from Finland and one company from either Jiangsu or Zhejiang province in China. The deadline for proposals to Jiangsu province is 31. March or 31. August. The deadline for proposals to Zhejiang province is 31. May.

The profiles of Chinese companies looking for partners in Finland published in the Enterprise Europe Network´s database