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Funding for game business development

Business Finland can fund part of the game business development project costs. No ownership is claimed.


Finland is the best place in the world to develop games. Finland has world-class knowhow that has evolved over decades. Thanks to demo party culture, Assembly events, excellent free education and stable society. Global game and tech giants AMD, Nvidia, EA, Ubisoft and Unity are already present in Finland.

Game industry is also the fastest growing branch of the entertainment industry and financially Finland's most significant field of cultural export.

Business Finland's game business development funding shares risk and attracts investors. Between 2012 and 2017 Finnish game companies received altogether appr. EUR 100 million in private funding.

Funding for game companies

Companies registered in Finland can apply for Business Finland funding at anytime. Business Finland funding is grant (de minimis aid) or loan. The funding is normal Business Finland funding and can cover part of the project costs. No ownership is claimed.

Business Finland can fund game companies e.g. when:

  • company develops new game concepts, game platforms or game development tools
  • company develops new operation and business models and cross media concepts and formats
  • company uses gamification in development of new product and service concepts

Game company can use funding e.g. for:

  1. testing the viability of the business concept, exploring demand on a new market and getting feedback from potential customers (Tempo funding)
  2. developing and piloting new products, services and business models (Research, development and piloting funding)
  3. rapid scaling of business to international markets e.g. strengthening the team and developing global growth strategy (Young Innovative Company funding)

Before applying for funding

1. Make sure that you have:

  • company founded and registered in Finland
  • up-to-date business plan
  • committed team with game business experience, and at least one person dedicated to business development full-time
  • own funding

2. See frequently asked questions on Business Finland's game business funding (pdf)

Image: Frozenbyte

you apply

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