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Canada 5.-8.2.2024

Team Finland visit to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Canada



Further information 

Jaakko Autere, Trade Commissioner
Embassy of Finland, Ottawa (-7h time difference from Finland)
+1 613 608 5531
jaakko.autere (at)


Lori Woloshyn, Senior Advisor
Business Finland Canada (-7h time difference from Finland)
+1 647 242 6454
lori.woloshyn (at)


Annika Lipsanen-Brito, Project Manager, Delegations
Business Finland
+358 50 347 3470
annika.lipsanen-brito (at)

The Team Finland network is organizing a Business Delegation visit to Nova Scotia and New Brunswick in Canada led by Mr. Ville Tavio, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development. The focus sectors of this visit are green and effective forest management, digital forest solutions, training and education, foresting machinery, latest technology sawmill systems and bio economical solutions utilizing biomass.

Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are known in Canada for their strong regional forest industry and private forest ownership. Some of the most engaged landowners and innovative forest industry sites in North America reside in the region. The target for the forest industry in the region is to sustainably improve growth and efficiency of the forest ecosystem, and to use the forest side streams in energy and heat creation. This is also a provincial target in the shift towards a greener economy. Nova Scotia is getting off coal-based electricity by 2030 and switching to renewables and cleaner fuels.

Nova Scotia and New Brunswick want to modernize their forest management and grow their bioeconomy and forest industry profits. Finland and Canada have a national level MoU in forestry and bio economy. A new forestry cooperation document is to be signed between Nova Scotia and Finland.

Nova Scotia and New Brunswick have similar natural resources and climate as Finland and the provinces are covered with forests. Implementation of innovative and sustainable foresting practices is key for the region and forest management development is seen as very important. Many sawmills and pulp mills operate in the region. Last summer's forest fires and storms caused major challenges for the provinces and had major financial consequences. Biomass will be an alternative to fossil fuels as feedstock to manufacture biofuels and biomaterials. Hence, the secure sourcing of sustainable biomass is important.

The forest in industry partnership in the area can offer many commercial opportunities for Finnish companies. The provinces are interested in green foresting practices, nurseries, new digital and machine technology, efficiency of production, forest fire prevention, bio energy, heat, and material production, among others. Finnish forestry companies have a positive image in Canada, and they are known for their climate smart and innovative solutions and efficiency.

Who should attend? 

This delegation provides an excellent opportunity for Finnish companies and research organizations focusing on green forest management, forest digital technology, nursery know how, training and education, foresting machinery, transportation solution, logging, sawmills, heating, and electricity production.

Preliminary program


To cover the expenses of arranging the visit, Business Finland will charge a participation fee.

  • Major companies: 1800 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Minor businesses and SMEs: 1530 EUR + 24% VAT per person.

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program.