Get to know the UK health reimbursement landscape with a focus on digital health solutions. This webinar will present key factors in the UK approach to paying for digital health solutions, positioned against and contrasted with other developed countries.
Digital Health Reimbursement is significantly different in the UK compared to for instance, France and Germany, and the concept of reimbursement in these countries does not have UK equivalence. The UK has a socialised medical service, known as National Health Service. Within the NHS, there is no directly equivalent concept or process for achieving government approval for reimbursement of a digital health solution. Examples of reimbursement in the private sector exist and this trend will be identified and explored in the webinar.
13:00–14:00 Presentation by Andrew Ruck, Managing Partner and Co-founder of Synsana
14:00–14:30 Practical exercise: Andrew Ruck will support participants in understanding the implications for their company of, and in beginning to use:
14:30–15:00 Questions and Answers
Please note that the agenda is subject to changes.