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Online 3.11.2023

Sales lead generation campaign for Finnish smart manufacturing solutions suppliers in Poland

Register by 10 November 2023.


Further information

Anna Łomża, Senior Advisor
Business Finland Central Europe
anna.lomza (at)
+48 500 826 560

Driven by high manufacturing density and a growing demand for productivity increase, Poland is transforming its factories to become smart, digital and automated.

Manufacturing is the growth engine for Poland and CEE markets. Manufacturing's share in gross value added in the region has been noticeably increasing during last years. A big number of production sites creates a great pool of potential clients to Finnish companies providing products and services for different industries value chains – such as automotive, machinery, food processing, electronics, maritime and many others. Solutions that are getting more and more attention include automation and robotics, condition monitoring and predictive maintenance, digital twins, AR/VR and many other digital tools that can optimize and increase the efficiency of production.

This trend will become even more relevant in the upcoming years, which opens room for collaboration with Finnish smart manufacturing technology providers. At the same time, the market for smart manufacturing solutions suppliers is rapidly growing and there are many local and international competitors aiming to get their market share. This requires proactive approach and strong unique selling points from Finnish companies willing to sell and increase their footprint in Poland.

Sales lead generation campaign

To promote Finnish smart manufacturing competences and to activate Finnish companies around potential business opportunities in Poland, Business Finland is initiating the sales lead generation project aimed at getting a better understanding of potential customers' needs and connecting them with relevant Finnish suppliers. Primary objective of this assignment is to approach prospective clients – manufacturers in Poland – as well as potential partners, to determine and specify their smart manufacturing needs that can be supported with Finnish technologies.

Opportunity for Finnish suppliers

Polish target group will be presented with profiles of Finnish suppliers interested to participate in the project and with capacity to explore the Polish market. Based on the needs of Polish companies and their interest in discussions with Finnish suppliers, a series of online meetings will be arranged. It is preferred to have individual meetings between Finnish and Polish companies, however if needed and more suitable, group meetings could also take place. It is expected that each participating Finnish company should preferably get min. 3 relevant meetings as a result of the assignment. The project will be run in close cooperation with the local consultant with strong track record of working with the manufacturing sector.

Polish companies to be targeted will have the following profiles:

  • Manufacturer with local / partly local decision-making power regarding production technologies
  • Manufacturer representing automotive, food processing, pulp and paper, electronics, steelmaking, chemical industry – or any other industry that has smart manufacturing technologies needs
  • Company with potential interest and capacity to invest in new technology – preferably with 250+ employees
  • Company open to international knowledge exchange, with English-speaking decision makers
  • System integrator with strong position on the local market with capacity to become a partner to Finnish companies

What is expected from you?

  • Confirmation that you are interested to participate in the project and have your company pitched towards the Polish target group;
  • Commitment that in case of a mutual interest, you will be able to participate in online meetings with potential Polish customers and partners. Meetings will be arranged with assistance of Business Finland and a local consultant and will be preceded by individual coaching. Meetings are expected to take place during November/December/January.

Participation fee

Cost of participation in the pitching phase of the project is free of charge for the Finnish companies. Arrangement of meetings will have a participation fee of 300 EUR (VAT 0) per meeting.

To participate in the project, register to join no later than 10.11.2023. We will take a maximum of 8 companies in first come, first served basis.