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Prague 12.-13.10.2023

Trade mission to Prague for low carbon built environment companies

If you are interested in joining the trade mission, please contact Mika Lautanala or Kari Laine.  

Further Information

Mika Lautanala
Trade Counsellor at Embassy of Finland in Prague
mika.lautanala (at)

Kari Laine
Head of Low carbon built environment
kari.laine (at)

Embassy of Finland in Prague and Business Finland’s Low carbon built environment program are organizing a trade mission to the Czech Republic focusing on prefabrication. The purpose of this trade mission is to connect the Czech and Finnish counter parties in the field of prefabrication and create new business opportunities and get direct contacts in the Czech market.

During this trade mission Business Finland and the Embassy of Finland in Prague will organize individual B2B meetings, a networking event at the Finnish Embassy with presentations, and a construction site visit. 

Preliminary agenda

12th October: Presentations and networking at the Finnish residence

8.00–08.30 welcoming Finnish & Czech companies' breakfast
8.30–08.50 Opening words by Pasi Tuominen and Mika Lautanala
8.50–9.30 Introduction of Finnish companies
9.30–10.10 Introduction of Czech companies
10.10–11.10 1-2-1 speed dating for the interested parties (pre-reserved slots)
12.10–13.00 Networking
15.00–17.00 Construction site visit

13th October: Exclusive 1-2-1 meetings for the Finnish companies

Who should attend?

The visit is aimed for Finnish companies that have export solutions for low-carbon built environment and want to pursue Czech Republic as a strategic market or partner. The participating companies should have products/solutions/services for:

  • prefabricated building products
  • energy efficiency and the optimization of energy use,
  • low carbon building materials,
  • digital design, construction, and operation processes,
  • data and tools for managing both the built environment life cycle and smooth everyday life


To cover the expenses of arranging the visit, Business Finland will charge a participation fee.

  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 400 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Major Companies: 500 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program.