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Helsinki 10.9.2024

Industry day and brokerage event to Helsinki

Time: 10th to 11th of September
Place: Team Finland House, Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki

Aleksi Rantaniemi
aleksi.rantaniemi (at)
Senior Specialist 
Kirsi Kokko
Head of Digital Resilience Finland
kirsi.kokko (at)
Venni Metsäranta
Program Coordinator
venni.metsaranta (at)

Brokerage 2024 onsite event at Team Finland House

The event hosts are Finnish Traficom representing the Finnish National Cybersecurity Competence Center, North European Cybersecurity Cluster (NECC), Business Finland, and Jyväskylä University (JYU).

Event Co-hosts are National NCCs from Estonia, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway Sweden. At the event, we have leading speakers of spearheading technologies.

European industry lags sharply behind the pace of global development. The reasons for this development are sought in structures, the shortage of professionals, or, almost without exception, the most world-shock phenomena that stifle European growth. The EU has strived to create a digital single market. At the same time, the world is divided, and the Chinese business model has a lot of similarities to the American start-up world. Both models are distributing the global markets with their pitching but try to be positioned to lead globally in the industry that the company represents.

By creating innovation that defines its own market space to stay in business in the future. In either case, we must create a new vision in North Europe and build creative innovations. We are doing that together at the Industry and Brokerage Event in Helsinki, on September 10th and 11th. Join us to share your visions and let’s take a step forward for European success together.


Day 1: Industrial Day
09:45 Registration and coffee
10:30 Welcome – Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Finland Opening of the event, by TO BE CONFIRMED
10:45 Word of the Host – Traficom Finland General Director Jarkko Saarimäki
11:00 Northern Cybersecurity Cluster, connecting the Northern Europeans CEO of NECC Reijo Savola
11:15 What happens when Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence are combined? Are we having technological miracles or destruction, new challenges and opportunities? Inge Øystein Moen Senior Advisor
Department of Information Security and Communication Technology, NTNU
12:00 Quantum-Safe Journey - Migrating to Post-Quantum Cryptography. SSH Fellow, Suvi Lampila
12:30 Lunch and Networking Break
13:30 5G Networks, what are the most significant technology challenges with 5G security? How about if 5G is in use in critical infrastructure or Defense and Space Dr. Silke Holtmanns, PwC Finland. She is a world-leading expert on 5G security. 
14:15 How communities serve the future. What has been the role of ECCO in competence building and what needs to be in the future? Managing Director of ECSO, Luigi Rebuffi
15:00 Coffee and networking 
15:15 “We are on the Burning platform” What are the changes in the global cybersecurity and risk landscape? What is left on the markets for Europeans? How to make the change. Juha Remes Chairman of NECC
16:00 Panel Discussion with moderated discussion with the panel members: Inge Moen, Luigi Rebuffi, Suvi Lampela, Silke Holtsmann. Moderator, Juha Remes, Chairman of NECC
17:15 Closing Word and Conclusions

Day 2: Brokerage Event

08:45 Registration and coffee
09:25 Welcome NECC & NCSC-FI
09:30 Northern European Cybersecurity Co-operation Nordic competence nodes
10:00 Keynote 1 
10:30 Coffee and networking
11:00 Session 1 proposal presentations (40min pres.+ 20min networking) 
12:00 Lunch and networking
13:00 Session 2 proposal presentations (40min pres.+ 20min networking)
14:00 Keynote 2 
14:30 Coffee and networking
15:00 Session 3 proposal presentations (40min pres.+ 20min networking)
16:00 Conclusions
16:30 End of the day