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Seoul and Ulsan 19.-21.9.2023

Team Finland visit to South Korea

Visit has been confirmed to take place in September and the late registration is still open.


Join the delegation by registering via the link below.



Further information

Ms. Suvi Sundquist
Country Director, Business Finland the Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 10 5196 2530 (+6hrs)


Ms. Emma (YEON-MI) LEE
Senior Advisor, Business Finland the Republic of Korea
Tel: +82 2 725 2076 (+6hrs)


Ms. Hanna Valkonen
Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
Tel: +358 41 533 7274


Team Finland network is organizing a group visit to South Korea on 19-21 September 2023 with focus on Decarbonizing Industries.

South Korea targets carbon neutrality by 2050.  With pressure from international markets, industrial decarbonization is critical for the carbon-intensive and export-oriented South Korean economy that is currently ranked as the 10th largest CO2 emitter in the world. The petrochemicals sector shows the highest drive for decarbonization in Korea and has the world’s 4th largest production capacity with major investment plans. Key petrochemical companies in Korea aim for carbon neutrality with recycling, renewable feedstock, CCUS, and efficiency improvement. South Korean companies have a demand for solutions that will help cut CO2 emissions and improve ESG performance. 

The goal of this visit is to get to know the key stakeholders South Korean industry, their decarbonization plans, as well as in which new solutions they are interested in. Participating companies will gain access and visibility to key chemical and process industry companies in Korea as we introduce the best from Finland. The program will include participating in the 50th anniversary reception of the Finnish-Korean diplomatic relations hosted by the Embassy of Finland. The theme of this reception will be Sustainability. Key public stakeholders will be invited and media attention anticipated.

Preliminary visit program

Who should attend?

This visit aimed for Finnish companies with innovative solutions for bio-based feedstock processing, bio-based chemical technologies, sustainable fuels, energy efficiency, CO2 reduction as well as carbon capture and utilization.


Please note that travel time has not been calculated in the visit duration.

Expenses of arranging the visit will be divided between the participating companies. Participation fee has been calculated based on 8 participating companies.

  • Micro businesses and SMEs: EUR 1 660 + 24% VAT per person
  • Major companies: EUR 1 950 + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program.