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Copenhagen 27.-28.11.2023

Trade Mission on health data to Denmark

Register for the visit no later than 13 October 2023!  


Further information

Ms. Heidi Uotinen
Advisor, Copenhagen, Denmark
+45 26 71 54 68
heidi.uotinen (at)

Ms. Erna Kare
Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
+358 50 511 45 02
erna.kare (at)

Business Finland in collaboration with Fingenious Ecosystem is organizing a Trade Mission on health data to Copenhagen, Denmark on 27-28 November 2023, followed by the Nordic Life Science Days in Copenhagen on 29-30 November 2023. Nordic Life Science Days offers a unique opportunity to partner and network with the best of Nordic and international life science leaders.

The life science sector in Denmark comprises 30% of the country’s export and is a significant economic force. The country is home to global leaders including Novo Nordisk, Leo Pharma and Lundbeck pharma, but it also hosts large ecosystems and medium sized companies as well as startups thriving under the global leaders.

Finland’s health data access has unique qualities and features and has the potential to create significant value for health research and the economy in the Nordics.

To form collaborations and stronger ties with leading Danish pharma actors and to learn from the most successful life science ecosystem in the Nordics, Business Finland invites a delegation to meet important ecosystem organizations and key ecosystem companies in Denmark with the aim of presenting how to benefit from and how to access Finnish health data and the Finnish health data ecosystem.

Who should attend?

This visit is aimed for Finnish companies that uniquely exploit the Finnish health data space, and have the access, technology, methodology or activities that can benefit the Danish pharma, MedTech and HealthTech industry.

Preliminary program

Participation fee

To cover the expenses of arranging the program in Copenhagen, Business Finland will charge a participation fee of:

  • Major companies: EUR 850 + 24% VAT per person
  • SME's and Micro businesses: EUR 725 + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights, accommodation, meals, and transportation outside the business delegation program.