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Norway 25.-26.9.2023

Trade mission to Norway

Register no later than 7 June!


Further information

Mr. Jouni Hyrkäs
Senior Advisor (Health, ICT, General Market Advice)
Business Finland Norway
+47 4734 3102
jouni.hyrkas (at)

Ms. Päivi Antila
Regional Partnership Manager, Visit Finland, Business Finland
+358 40 747 8418
paivi.antila (at)

Ms. Erna Kare
Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
+358 50 511 4502
erna.kare (at)

Business Finland is organizing a Trade Mission visit to Oslo, Norway on 25-26 September, 2023.

This is an invitation for interested Finnish companies providing healthcare services such as primary care, specialized care, surgery, and mental care with interest and capacity to receive patients from Norway to join the delegation.

According to the Norwegian National Network for Treatment Abroad, there were 224 applications for treatment abroad in 2021. The number is expected to grow significantly as the Covid-related travel and other restrictions have been lifted and waiting times for treatment are increasing. Thus, opening new opportunities for Finnish healthcare service providers.

Norway has implemented the Directive No. 2011/24/EU of March 9, 2011, on patients' rights in cross-border healthcare (the so-called “patient directive”) aiming to guarantee patient mobility and the free provision of healthcare services. This means that Norwegian patients have similar rights to apply for the reimbursement of cross-border healthcare costs than patients coming from one of the EU member states. This right is limited to healthcare services to which the insured person is entitled according to the national legislation.

In addition to publicly funded patients, Norway has also potential for out-of-pocket patients especially in terms of treatment options that are not commonly available in Norway such as certain types of advanced cancer treatment.

Who should attend?

This onsite visit is aimed for Finnish healthcare service providers with interest and capacity to receive patients from Norway. The Finnish companies should be operating within the healthcare sector providing healthcare services such as primary care, specialized care, surgery, and mental care.

The aim of the visit is to bring key stakeholders from the hospital sector, experts, and patient advocacy groups together to engage in discussions regarding the issue of hospital capacity, cross-border care and interchangeability decisions.

Preliminary program


To cover the expenses of arranging the visit, Business Finland will charge a participation fee.

  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 1765 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Major Companies: 2075 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program.