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Warsaw 4.-5.10.2023

Trade Mission to Poland for Low Carbon Built Environment Companies

Register no later than 1 September 2023!


Further information 



Agnieszka Wróbel, Senior Advisor
Business Finland Poland

+48 530 003 508


Kari Laine, Head of Low carbon built environment Program

+358 50 444 9151


Tobiasz Burzyński, Advisor
Business Finland Poland

+48 508 529 626


Lotta Eiroma, Manager, Delegations, +358 40 716 2628



Business Finland’s Low-carbon built environment export campaign is organizing a trade mission to Warsaw, Poland. The purpose of the trade mission is to identify business collaboration opportunities for Finnish companies and get direct contacts in the Polish market. During this trade mission, Business Finland will organize B2B meetings at a networking event at the Finnish Embassy in Warsaw and invites companies to participate in the PLGBC Green Summit.

4.10.2023, Networking event at the Embassy.
Business Finland will arrange B2B meetings for Finnish companies with developers, architects, general contractors, and other companies operating in the Polish market. Meetings will be tailored to the needs of companies.

5.10.2023, PLGBC Green Building Summit at Sound Garden Hotel in Warsaw
PLGBC Green Building Summit is the most recognizable and opinion-forming conference, a symbol of green progress in the Polish real estate industry. Source of the newest information on global trends, as well as the opportunity for informal meetings with business partners. In this edition, the topics will be as follows

  • Climate Change Resilience. Climate resilience. (R)evolution towards climate neutrality,
  • Biophilic buildings. Nature and biodiversity in Focus,
  • Enter the future. Resources & Circularity,
  • Buildings focus on people. A perspective on the space. Health & Wellbeing.

Who should attend? 

The visit is aimed for Finnish companies that have export solutions for low-carbon built environment and want to pursue Poland as a strategic market or partner. The participating companies should have products/solutions/services for:

  • Energy efficiency and the optimization of energy use,
  • low carbon building materials,
  • digital design, construction, and operation processes,
  • data and tools for managing both the built environment life cycle and smooth everyday life,
  • fast & sustainable building; modularity, hybrid building.

Kindly note that participation is limited to 10 companies on a first come – first served basis.  


To cover the expenses of arranging the visit, Business Finland will charge a participation fee.

  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 765 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Major Companies: 900 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program.