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Online 27.2.2024

Maritime Market Update – Smart & Green Ports in China

Date: Tuesday 27 February, 2024 at 9:00-10:30


Venue: Teams

Register by 26 February

Further Information 

Ms. Liwei Tan

Senior Advisor, Business Finland

liwei.tan (at)



Ms. Daphne Wang

Project Manager, Business Finland (at)

As the global landscape of transportation evolves towards sustainability and efficiency, China has emerged as a pioneering force in the development of automated and smart ports. Since 2015, over 40 automated terminals have been constructed or are currently under development, marking a significant leap in the country's port infrastructure.

In alignment with China's ambitious sustainability goals, notably the 2030 Carbon-Peak and 2060 Carbon-Neutrality Target, ports are swiftly transitioning towards low-carbon and green practices. This paradigm shift presents unparalleled opportunities for collaboration and innovation, especially for Finnish companies seeking to expand their presence in the Chinese market.

Welcome to join the webinar organized by Business Finland on 27 February! The Principal Consultant of the international independent consulting company Drewry will introduce the smart and green ports in China and provide their views to foreign companies. The Senior Scientist of VTT will introduce the Finland-China Joint Innovation Project “Besport” as a reference case for market entry method.


  • 9:00 Opening by the moderator, Ms. Katja Eriksen, Global Opportunity Leader in Maritime & Ports, Business Finland
  • 9:05 Greetings by Mr. Marko Tiesmäki, Director, Business Finland China
  • 9:10 China’s ports in digitalization, terminal automation and decarbonization, Ms. Han Ning, Principal consultant, Director, Drewry China
  • 9:40 Finland-China Joint Innovation Project “Besport” Mr. Zou Guangrong, Senior Scientist, VTT 
  • 10:00 Q&A
  • 10:25 Closing remarks by the moderator, Ms. Katja Eriksen, Business Finland