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Team Finland House 5.3.2024

Finland-Italy edf workshop & matchmaking

Date: 5 March 2024 at 09:30 – 16:00.

Venue: Team Finland House, Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki.

This event is free of charge.

Register by 26 February 2024

Further information

Mr. Markus Ranne, Senior Advisor, Business Finland
markus.ranne (at)
+358 40 3433 453

Mr. Lauri Kangas, Senior Advisor, AFDA
lauri.kangas (at)
+358 40 5956 887

Ms. Hanna-Leena Harma, Manager – inbound delegations
Business Finland
hanna-leena.harma (at)
+358 40 7288 730

Business Finland, in cooperation with Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries – AFDA, is organizing a Finland-Italy EDF workshop and matchmaking event on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, from 09:30 to 16:00 at Team Finland House.

The European Defence Fund (EDF) provides €8 billion over the years 2021-2027 for defence research and development in all operational and technological domains (land, sea, air, space, cyber, information, energy, materials, CBRN, etc.) through annual work programs. At the event, companies from Italy, lead by Leonardo, and Finland will present their respective technological clusters of interest and potential areas of cooperation.

The event will also offer networking opportunities between Italian and Finnish companies, offering both the opportunity to pitch ideas and expertise. This is a great opportunity to forge winning defence research and development consortia as well as getting to know other participants in order to extend your international network and create strategic partnerships.

Preliminary agenda (subject to change)

  • Registration and coffee
  • Welcome by Business Finland
  • Keynote
  • Finnish solutions for comprehensive security 
    Session 1
  • Finnish participants aiming for EDF collaboration
  • Industry presentation: information superiority and C5ISR technologies
  • Industry presentation: cyber defence technologies and collaborative cyber training environments
  • Coffee break
    Session 2
  • Presentation on Italian Aerospace, Defence and Security industries
  • Leonardo presentation on EDF technological clusters of interest and potential areas of cooperation with Finnish companies
  • Wrap-up of morning seminar by AFDA
  • Lunch
  • Matchmaking between Finnish and Italian industries