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Tromsø, Norway 29.10.2024

Low-carbon built environment opportunities in the Arctic region – collaboration between Norway and Finland

Please note that the event is full. We are not accepting new registrations. If you want to cancel your registration, please send a message to lotta.eiroma (at) 

Further information

Jouni Hyrkäs
Senior Advisor, Business Finland (Norway)

jouni.hyrkas (at)
+47 4734 3102

Kaisa Nikkanen
Senior Advisor, Business Finland (Norway)

kaisa.nikkanen (at)
+47 9719 8361

Business Finland and the Embassy of Finland together with Finnish partners Arctic Construction Cluster Finland and BusinessOulu and Norwegian partners Troms Chamber of Commerce and ProTromsø are organizing an event on low-carbon built environment opportunities for Finnish companies in Tromsø, Norway on 29th October 2024. The purpose of the event is to identify business collaboration opportunities between Norwegian and Finnish companies, with specific focus on the Northern areas of both countries.

Preliminary program

12:15-13:00 Registration and lunch
13.00-13:05 Welcome words by Ambassador Teemu Tanner
13.05-13:10 Presentation of the program by Business Finland
13.10-13:30 Construction activity in Northern Norway
13:30-13:45 Regulations pushing for transition to low-carbon construction solutions 
13:45-14:05 Norwegian energy efficiency needs
14:05-14:35 Teaming up in the Northern Norwegian and Finnish construction markets: Panel discussion with organizations from both countries. 
14:35-14:50 Who is here from Norway? Introducing the Norwegian industry participants
14:50-15:10 Who is here from Finland? Introducing the Finnish industry participants
15:10-15:25 Short coffee break
15:25-15:45 Revolutionizing the construction sector with digital solutions
15:45-17:00 Personalized individual 1-to-1 meetings between Norwegian and Finnish participants 
17:00-17:30 Pause in the program and walk to the networking reception
17:30-20.00 Possibility to join networking reception arranged by the Embassy of Finland in Norway. Welcome words by H.E. Mr. Teemu Tanner, Ambassador of Finland to Norway. Refreshments served. A separate invitation will follow.
20.00 End of event

Read more about Business Finland’s Low-carbon built environment export campaign.

Our Norwegian partners are also offering the possibility to visit local construction projects and also the opportunity to meet other local construction industry stakeholders on 30 October. If you are interested in this possibility, please indicate this in your registration form. 

Please note there are direct flights between Helsinki and Tromsø. Kindly check the details on Finnair.
The local partners will reserve hotel capacity in Tromsø for the event participants. We will inform the registered participants about the details in August.

Participation fee

The networking event is free of charge but each participant books and covers their own costs for travel, accommodation, etc.

Dark festival 28.-29.10.2024

Our event is arranged during the DARK festival on architecture and design on 28.-29.10.2024 in Tromsø. The festival may be of interest to those companies joining our event, further information and how to secure tickets.

This event is organized in collaboration with the following organizations:

  • Embassy of Finland
  • BusinessOulu
  • Arctic Construction Cluster Finland
  • Regional Council of Lapland
  • Interreg Aurora
  • ProTromsø (Business Hub North)
  • Næringsforeningen i Tromsøregionen (Troms Chamber of Commerce)
  • Nordnorsk Design- og Arkitektursenter (NODA)
  • DARK conference