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Stockholm, Sweden 23.-25.4.2024

Low carbon built environment trade mission to Sweden

Register for this visit no later than 29 February 2024!


Further information


Ms. Anna Öberg, Senior Advisor, SMA, Europe
Business Finland
+46 732 616 202

Mr. Kari Laine, Senior Advisor
Business Finland
+358 504 449 151

Ms. Maria Westerholm, Director, Delegations
Business Finland
+358 40 3433 431


Following the successful events in Sweden in March and November 2023, Business Finland's RRF Low Carbon Built Environment Export Campaign is organizing a trade mission to Stockholm, Sweden, from April 23rd to April 25th, 2024.

The trade mission coincides with Nordbygg, the largest construction trade fair in the Nordics, attracting visitors from the building and construction industry seeking new suppliers, networking opportunities, and innovative, sustainable solutions.

During the three-day trade mission, Business Finland will organize tailored B2B meetings and joint meetings with major industry players in Sweden. These meetings will occur at Swedish companies' premises and at the fair. Participants will also have time to explore the fair and attend relevant sessions.

The trade mission aims to facilitate business collaboration opportunities for Finnish companies and establish direct contacts in the Swedish market. Participation offers a unique chance to engage with relevant Swedish companies and potential partners. Additionally, the mission provides advice on internationalization, localization to the Swedish market, and coaching by local experts.

Please take a look at other Low Carbon Built Environment activities in 2024.

Preliminary agenda

Who should attend?

The visit targets Finnish companies offering export solutions for the low-carbon built environment and interested in entering or seeking partnerships in the Swedish market. Participating companies should offer products, solutions, or services related to:

  • Energy efficiency and energy use optimization
  • Low-carbon building materials
  • Digital design, construction, and operation processes
  • Data and tools for managing the built environment life cycle and everyday life.

Please note that participation is limited to 10 companies and operates on a first-come, first-served basis.

Practicalities and participation fee 

To cover the expenses of arranging the business delegation program, the organizers will charge a participation fee.

  • Major Companies: 800 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 680 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the delegate nor meals outside the delegation program.