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Online 7.2.2024

Offshore Wind & Ports benchmarks – Denmark

Date: Wednesday 7 February, 2024 at 10:00-11:00 (EET)


Venue: Teams

Register by 6 February

Further Information

Peder Degnbol
Senior Advisor, Renewable Energy & Cleantech, Business Finland
peder.degnbol (at)



Daphne Wang

Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland (at)

The offshore wind market grows rapidly and so does the Ports servicing them. This could provide new opportunities for Finnish companies both within the domestic offshore wind & Port development, as well as abroad.

We aim to identify demand and shortcomings within the industry, map the offshore wind value chain and stakeholders with a focus on lower tiers (not Developers), provide case examples of key players and their operations, and make suggestions for potential partnerships between Danish and Finnish businesses.

As a benchmark, Team Finland warmly welcomes you to learn about offshore wind & ports development in Denmark, covering:

  • Introduction to the Danish offshore wind market and Port business landscape
  • Offshore wind key players in the Denmark
  • Market entry considerations for Finnish companies
  • Finnvera Export Funding & Loan services


  • Opening words: Ambassador to Finland in Denmark, Mr. Harri Kämäräinen
  • Presenter: Mr. Yanic Gentry, Project Engineer at Kongstein
  • Presenter: Mr. Sakari Juntti, SME & Midcap, Finnvera

Are you representing a Finnish company or a port interested in the offshore wind industry?

If so, this is the right event for you.

A warm welcome!