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Rwanda 17.-20.6.2024

Team Finland visit to Rwanda

Register for this visit no later than 26 April 2024!


Further information

Mr. Esa Rantanen, Head of Africa Region
+254 716 546 168

Ms. Susan Kaparo, Senior Advisor, Kenya
+254 70 157 2895

Ms. Lotta Eiroma, Manager, Delegations
+358 40 716 2628

E-mail: firstname.lastname (at)

The Team Finland network is organizing a Business Delegation visit to Kigali, Rwanda on 17th to 20th June 2024. The visiting delegation, led by Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, Mr. Ville Tavio, will participate in the Third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Countries (LLDC3).

Participation in the Private Sector Forum (PSF) at LLDC3 offers Finnish companies a rare chance to engage in transformative partnerships and mobilize long-term investment in landlocked developing countries (LLDCs). With a combined population projected to reach 1 billion by 2060, LLDCs represent significant market potential. Through thematic sessions and discussions, companies can contribute to shaping development policy in areas such as trade, transit, growth opportunities, digital development, financing, and investment, while also showcasing their products and services to enhance visibility and influence.

Rwanda is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Rwanda serves as an ideal location for piloting products and solutions for the African market, presenting diverse business opportunities across various sectors such as energy and circular economy and agribusiness and forestry. Mining is the second largest export sector in the Rwandan economy. In December 2023, Rwanda and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed an agreement enabling a strategic alliance to enhance investment in critical raw material value chains in the country creating opportunities for future funding. Also digitalization and ICT provide opportunities as Rwanda has an ambitious plan to digitalize its economy and society rapidly. In education Rwanda is looking for innovative EduTech solutions and is seeking to enhance the capacity of its vocational and higher education establishments.

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Who should attend?

This is an opportunity for Finnish companies providing solutions for crisis management, energy and cleantech, mining, digitalization, and education to collaborate and create partnerships with governments, United Nations agencies and other stakeholders. The participating companies will have an opportunity to gain exposure and visibility to their products and services during targeted B2B meetings as well as during the LLDC3 conference.

Preliminary program

Practicalities & participation fee 

To cover the expenses of arranging the business delegation program, Business Finland will charge a participation fee (Please note the reduced participation fee).

  • Major Companies: 1800 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 1530 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the delegate nor meals outside the delegation program.

Team Finland visit to Kenya 12-14.6.2024

Prior to the visit to Rwanda, Minister Tavio will visit Kenya with a health sector focused business delegation. More information.