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Online 2.5.2024

TechMakers Brazil – Finland bilateral activation session for joint research and development

Date: Thursday 2 May, 2024 at 15:00-16:15 (EEST)


Venue: MS Teams

Register by 1 May

Further information

Mr. Matti Landin

Trade Commissioner, Business Finland 

matti.landin (at)


Mr. Heikki Uusi-Honko

Chief Advisor, Business Finland

heikki.uusi-honko (at)


Marcela Mazzoni

marcela.mazzoni (at)


Mr. Sergio Rossi

Investment Officer, APEX

sergio.rossi (at)



Seeking proposals for joint research and innovation projects between Brazil and Finland.

Business Finland and the innovation promotion agency of Brazil EMBRAPII (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa e Inovação Industrial, Brazilian Industrial Research and Innovation Company) with the support of ApexBrasil, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, are announcing a joint activity to support research and innovation projects between Finland and Brazil.

This webinar is targeted for companies that identify the two countries as major markets and research locations, and want to benefit of added value of international cooperation. We especially encourage Finnish companies to evaluate their possibilities for collaboration in the following sectors, where Brazil offers a large market and has strong technology clusters:

  • Bioeconomy (Technology for Forestry, Agriculture and Pulp and Paper manufacturing, New Bioproducts, Methanation)
  • Digitalization (Connectivity and solutions to industry and agriculture)
  • Mining ( Technology for Circular Mining, Net Zero Mining, Intelligent Mining)
  • Energy (Biofuels, CCUS, Smart Grid functionalities, AI, Real time billing)
  • Joint Applications from other sectors are welcome

Participants from Brazil and Finland are invited to survey their possibilities for any kinds of collaborations. They may also submit joint or coordinated R&D project proposals targeting innovative products and applications with a strong market potential.

A matchmaking website will be available as a place to discuss project opportunities and facilitate introductions between organizations from Brazil and Finland. It is an open 1-to-1 networking platform. Meetings among participants can be scheduled as a video call at any time. There is no specific deadline for applying for financial support, instead companies are welcome to assess their possibilities for national R&D funding, that is available on continuous basis both at Business Finland and EMBRAPII.

Join the webinar to learn about the activation activities and the matchmaking website.


  • Introduction Joint Brazil & Finland RDI Activation  
  • Brazilian Innovation system 
  • Business Finland’s Introduction & Funding Model 
  • Embrapii’s Introduction & Funding Model 
  • Support on partner’s search – Matchmaking Tool 
  • Success Case 
  • Q&A