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Online 23.1.2024

UAE Hydrogen sector: Trends and Opportunities for Finnish companies

Date: Tuesday 23 January, 2024 at 9:30-10:30 (EET)


Venue: Teams

Register by 22 January

Further Information

Mr. Jorge Fernández Gates

Senior Advisor, Business Finland

jorge.fernandez (at)

In the context of the UAE Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative, the country has identified low-carbon hydrogen as a critical part of the transition to low-carbon energy.

In this webinar, experts from the Qamar Energy consulting firm will present the UAE hydrogen landscape, trends, SWOT analysis, and key business opportunities for Finnish companies.

Preliminary agenda

  • 9:30 Welcome words, Johanna Riihimaa, Trade Counsellor at the Finnish Embassy in the UAE
  • 9:32 Greetings and introduction, Ilkka Homanen, Head of Hydrogen and Batteries at Business Finland
  • 9:35 Study Presentation, Qamar Energy
  • 10:15 Questions and Answers
  • 10:30 Wrap up