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Webinar 15.11.2022

Food Export to China – Policy update by Team Finland

Time: November 15th 9-11 am
Location: Webinar


More Information

Erika Wang, Business Finland (at)

In this webinar, as Finnish representative, you will have the direct opportunity to raise questions and comments regarding to registration through CIFER system or general trade. The speakers are from and Embassy of Finland in China and Finnish Food Authority China Desk (Ruokavirasto).

The session will include policy updates and Q&A session tackling on the requirements of imported food in China. If you are looking for business opportunities in China, it is recommended to get the know-how the market through information session first.

Please send your questions in advance to (at), the question will be answered during the event. If you wish for an individual reply, please mention that in your message to Erika Wang.

Event is hosted by Food from Finland program.
