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News 26.04.2021

Wood-based solutions offering available

The wood-based solutions offering presents Finland's extensive know-how and innovations in the field of bioeconomy.

The Finnish forest industry builds future growth and sustainable welfare.

Finland is set to be carbon-neutral by 2035. This requires faster emissions reductions in all sectors and the use of increasingly more forest resources. The role of the forest industry will continue to grow in importance.

Wood-based products and materials offer great climate-friendly options for the fossil-based and help solve global challenges – fossil raw materials belong to the past and renewable raw materials to the future.

Finland is at the forefront of the bioeconomy revolution. This offering presents an overview of Finland's bioeconomy expertise, wood-based innovations and industry companies.

Download the Wood-based solutions Offering (PDF)

More information

Marika Ollaranta
Head of Bio & Circular Finland Program
marika.ollaranta (at)