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News 14.09.2020

Remote Digital Health Tech from Finland interests international media during COVID-19

During the pandemic, also media meetings needs to be organised in a different way.

The first Virtual Media Meeting organised by Finnfacts/Business Finland was a success, attracting 40 journalists from 14 countries registering for the event online.

The global pandemic has highlighted the urgent need for remote healthcare solutions. Being one of the top three health technology economies globally - and the first country in the world to digitize national health registries - Finland is in a unique position to offer insight into ways to prevent risks and even save lives during the pandemic. 

Finnfacts / Business Finland has come up with new ideas and ways of working with international media as it hasn’t been possible to invite journalists physically to Finland since March 2020. 

As a result, a live stream, virtual international media event was organized on the theme of Remote Digital Healthcare and Technology from Finland on September 1st. Altogether there were 40 journalists registered from 14 different countries with a very high actual participation rate. The feedback of the pilot event from journalists has been highly encouraging and positive:

“Consistently high quality, informative and interesting events - even when organised under the constraints of a global pandemic. Once again plenty of thought-provoking content that can be turned into story ideas. ” (The Independent)

"It made me see the benefits of digital medicine a bit more. I also appreciated that there was concrete, useful information instead of just PR about how great these companies and Finnish healthcare and technology are." (Anonymous)

"It was a very informative and well-presented session. The interface is very user-friendly and the panelists provided great answers to questions." (

During the 1,5h live stream, a big picture of why Finland has become one of the global leaders in digital health was presented by Kari Klossner, Programme Manager, Smart Life Finland. Three highly innovative Finnish companies also presented themselves with their remote digital health technology solutions: Oura ring (world’s smartest wearable), Kaiku Health (cancer or COVID-19 syndrome follow-up) and VideoVisit (remote health care for the elderly). The event was hosted by Hetta Huittinen, Head of international media & PR.

There were no traditional PowerPoint slides, but interesting interviews, videos, demos and conversations as well as plenty of time for journalists’ Q&A and other interactive elements. All that showcased how versatile the companies’ new and groundbreaking innovations are.

Business Finland's media tour team created the program format including contents, scripts, prerecorded videos, interviews, and coordinated the event and technical support needed with the production partner Tapaus. The media tour team was also in charge of all of the journalists' invites with the support from the wider Team Finland.

The new format of online media event proved to be really attractive for journalists, with many commenting their interests of joining our future online events too.

Recording of the Live stream event on September 1st, 2020:

Live Stream for international media: Remote digital healthcare and technology from Finland

Among participating media, some have expressed their interests in writing up articles in the near future, while some intended to write articles when the timing for the topic is suitable in the media’s coming issues. Some also took this event as their future reference while planning the relevant topic or visit to Finland on the theme of digital health. Published articles related to the event will be gathered and added below:


Les Echos, September 7th 2020:

Les Echos, September 7th 2020:

Hong Kong

Apple Daily, September 12th 2020: 


Tech for Good, November, Issue 5 2020:

The Independent, 15.12.2020: