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To further strengthen Finnish manufacturing industry

The manufacturing industry accounts for about half of Finland's export. Sampo will help companies to solve the obstacles of economic growth and prepare them for the future disruption happening in the manufacturing industry.

The Campaign paves the way for the possible program.


The international competitiveness of manufacturing industry is vital to Finland 

Manufacturing is one of the major cornerstones of the Finnish economy. According to Technology Industries of Finland, its member companies employ 300,000 people directly, and 700,000 people in total. This equates to about 30% of the entire Finnish labor force. The technology industry makes up 51% of Finnish exports. Business Finland aims to help create a more positive atmosphere and favorable conditions for the growth of production activities in Finland.

The purpose of the Sampo campaign is to further strengthen Finnish manufacturing industry. The campaign is targeted at companies of all sizes in the sector.

Gaining leverage through new technologies 

Seamless cooperation between sales, product development, manufacturing and deliveries requires the use of compatible digital methods throughout the value chain. The information flowing between sales and product development should be up to date, and robotics should be applied at the production stage. Documents required for delivery should correspond to the product being delivered, and should be updated during any maintenance.

Production as a competitive edge 

Any products can be copied, but the manufacture of Finnish special products is based on networks, whose operational methods are difficult to copy. Bio industry, cleantech and other products must exist before they can be turned into export products – in other words, they have to be manufactured first.

International cooperation 

Advanced Manufacturing-focused  Tour in the USA   October 21– 25, 2019



Campaign leader

Jarmo Raittila

+358 50 323 2442

Pasi Viitanen

+358 50 395 2475

Päivi Uotila

+358 50 5577 866

Nuppu Rouhiainen

+358 50 5577 949

Sanna Nuutila

Tel. +358 50 557 7717