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Call 1.3.-28.6.2021

Funding for collaborative projects within artificial intelligence EUREKA Clusters Joint AI Call

The call closes 28 June 2021 and projects are expected to start in 2022. A closer description of the call and guidelines for the applicants can be found at the call website.

Ota yhteyttä

Tom Warras ja Heikki Uusi-Honko (EUREKA-yhteistyö ja sen rahoitus)
ja lisäksi:
Outi Keski-Äijö (AI Business Program Finland)
Mika Niskanen (Telecom/Celtic-Next ja Software/ITEA3)
Kari Leino (ECS development/Penta ja Euripides2)
Hannu Nurmi (Telecom/Celtic-Next ja Software/ITEA3)

sähköposti: etunimi.sukunimi (at)

Call has ended!

The EUREKA Clusters CELTIC-NEXT, EUROGIA, ITEA3, SMART and PENTA-EURIPIDES², together with a number of EUREKA Public Authorities, have launched a Call for innovative projects in the AI domain. The aim of this Call is to boost the productivity & competitiveness of European industries through the adoption and use of AI systems and services.

Consortiums including minimum two companies from different Eureka participating countries can be funded. However, usually project groups are much wider, consisting of SME's, large companies, and universities or research organisations. Projects with eligible costs in the range of 2-8 M€ are expected, though projects outside this range may also be submitted for evaluation. A great number of European countries have joined the Call, including Turkey, and also the Eureka associated countries Canada, South Korea, South Africa and Singapore.

Business Finland can grant funding for Finnish partners in project consortiums. National funding criteria apply, including the criteria for Co-Innovation Projects. No fixed budget is reserved for this call, and applications are competing for funding with other applications submitted to Business Finland. The Finnish partners in project consortiums must contact Business Finland one month before deadline, ie. 28 May 2021 at the latest.

Online Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021 Brokerage Event 22.4.2021

In order to support you in the creating your project proposal and build your consortium for the Eureka Clusters AI Call 2021, an online Brokerage event will be organised on 22 April 2021 at 10:30 Finnish time. Please register!