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Call 27.5.-15.10.2021

Jiangsu Science & Technology joint innovation call

For further information

Maarit Kokko
maarit.kokko (at)
Tel. +358 40 761 9555

Ilmari Absetz
ilmari.absetz (at)
Tel. +358 50 5577 837

Mika Klemettinen
mika.klemettinen (at)
Tel.  +86 134 8274 6884


Elisa Yu
elisa.yu (at)
Tel.. +86 138 0174 4271

Call has ended!

Business Finland supports Finland-China innovation collaboration. Innovation collaboration can offer a gateway for companies to develop scalable business.

The call is targeted to joint projects of partners from Finland and China with a joint project plan. The cooperation priorities of r&d&I projects are new-generation energy and environmental protection, medical and health, digitalization and industrial renewal, other fields both sides agree to fund. The topics are described more in detail in the call text Jiangsu call text 2021 . Jiangsu call Bilateral Cooperation Form 2021  is needed as an appendix to the digital application.

Applications must fulfill both the joint call criteria and the national funding criteria. Business Finland can fund Finnish companies or co-innovation projects with at least three Finnish companies and one or more research organizations. In special cases, even short co-creation projects (research organizations) may be considered in areas where opportunities for future company collaboration should be surveyed.  The proposal should demonstrate applicant’s resources to enter and grow in the Chinese markets in addition to the needed resources for innovation. The proposals will be evaluated according to Business Finland’s normal funding criteria and the Finland-China Call co-operation requirements. The Business Finland funding terms apply.

Applicants need to contact Business Finland well in advance before submitting the applications.

Finland-China Joint Innovation Calls 2021 Launch is organized on June 17th at 9-10:30.