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Call 14.4.-29.6.2022

Funding Call for Multilateral Photonic Research Proposals: Photonics 2022 Call on Next Generation Integrated Photonic Sensing

Eureka network together with nine countries and in cooperation with the European technology platform Photonics21 have opened a joint Call for photonics project proposals.

Further information


Kari Leino
Business Finland
kari.leino (at)
+358 50 557 7698


Jöns Tuomaranta
Business Finland
jons.tuomaranta (at)
+358 40 557 3079

Call has ended!

The call is targeted to (technology) companies, universities, and research institutes. The theme in focus is Next Generation Integrated Photonic Sensing.

Thematic scope

Project proposals must focus on at least one of the three subtopics:

1. PICs (Photonic Integrated Circuits):
Integrating photonics and electronics for novel photonic sensors and sensing systems, considering packaging and connection approaches, scalability, CMOS-compatibility, and new material systems.

2. QPICs (Photonic Quantum Sensors):
Combining and integrating classical and quantum optics (e.g. onto a photonic chip) to use quantum properties or quantum phenomena to perform a measurement of a physical quantity.

3. Hybrid sensing:
Combining two or more sensing methods – at least one of which originates from the field of photonics – to enable new sensor applications or to substantially improve existing ones.

The proposed R&D work should aim at future-oriented sensor technologies and systems that centrally address at least one of the following challenges:

  • Climate and environmental protection, including reducing energy consumption
  • Enabling novel end consumer products and accessing volume markets by means of robust, miniaturized, scalable, and sustainable photonic sensors and systems

Proposers must clearly identify application areas and applications (preferably products) aimed at by the project. Potential application areas include – but are not at all limited to – environmental monitoring, process control, mobility (traffic and motion control), health monitoring and food surveillance.

How does Eureka work?

The Eureka cooperation is always defined by the industry themselves and the research topics derive from their needs. The Eureka funding is different from the EU programmes, and it is carried out with the national innovation funding bodies.

The Call is looking for projects that will form innovative ecosystems, with sustainable industry at their core, that will enable advances in the State-of-the-Art and result in commercial opportunities, economic and societal impact in the application areas addressed.

Eureka's general rules for participation

To be considered for funding, consortia and their project proposals must meet the following conditions:

  • The call is open to companies, research institutes/organisations and universities.
  • The project idea must represent international cooperation in the form of a specific project.
  • The project consortia must consist of at least two independent legal entities (at least one private enterprise per country) requesting funding from at least two of the participating countries or regions (see a list of participating countries).
  • The project proposal must be in scope according to thematic subtopics and clearly address the call topic.
  • The project proposal should demonstrate an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technological cooperation between the participants (e. g. increased knowledge base, commercial leads, access to R&D infrastructure etc.).
  • The proposed project must be innovative and there must be a technological risk involved.
  • The project proposal must include a commercialisation plan (with a timeline), demonstrating how the results of the project will be exploited, applied and/or commercialised through subsequent innovatory steps.
  • The project proposal should demonstrate the contribution of all the partners from the participating countries on an equal base, and the project must be equally significant to them. At least, not more than 70% of the total eligible project costs shall be incurred by any single partner or by all partners from a single participating country collectively.
  • The project must have a civilian purpose and aim at civilian use only.
  • The requested project duration shall be limited to a maximum of 36 months, notwithstanding possible subsequent extensions.

Participating organizations and countries

European industrial organizations, which are participating the call, are Photonics21 and Eureka.

Countries involved are Austria, Belgium (Flanders), Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Poland and Switzerland.

Business Finland funding

Business Finland applies national funding criteria, including the Co-Innovation funding criteria for consortia where research is included. There is no specific funding budget for this call.

Call timeline

This is a one-phase call for proposals: The call will open on April 14, 2022 and the Project Proposals will be submitted on June 29, 2022 latest. The funding decisions are due during autumn 2022.

Information and partners

Networking: After the opening of the call a virtual networking and matchmaking event will be organized, and an online matchmaking tool will be at the disposal of interested parties for the time of the call being open. Please follow the subsequent announcements on the call website.

Photonics 2022 funding call

Read more about Eureka calls