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Case 24.10.2022

Finnish engineers develop testing systems for electric cars in Oulu – Proventia has significant international growth prospects

Proventia has patented technology expertise with significant growth potential in reducing emissions from non-road machinery and developing testing systems for electric and hybrid cars to combat climate change. Such knowledge is in demand around the world, and the next step after the UK will be expansion to the US market.
  • Proventia was founded in 1994 (initially under the name Finnkatalyt Oy)Head office in Oulu
  • Develops emission control systems for non-road machinery and test centers for the product development and testing of electric and hybrid cars
  • Proventia Group Oy started its operations in 2000
  • Subsidiaries: Proventia Czech s.r.o and Proventia UK Limited
  •  Product development in Finland in Oulu and Tampere. Two factories in Oulu, one factory in Czech Republic, a sales office in the UK
  •  170 employees, the majority of them in Oulu, 30 in the Czech Republic
  • Turnover 2021: EUR 47 million.


Read more about Business Finland funding for research and development

In the photo Oulu technology center and testing modules

Proventia, an Oulu-based company, develops systems for controlling the emissions and improving the energy efficiency of non-road machinery, as well as modular test centers for the product development and testing of electric and hybrid cars.

The green transition in the automotive and non-road machinery industry offers Finnish experts highly significant opportunities for international growth. Proventia’s customers include the world’s leading battery, vehicle and non-road machine operators.

 A big vision for reducing harmful emissions

 “Since the beginning of its business, Proventia has had a big vision for reducing harmful emissions from non-road machinery and vehicles and developing new technologies. The company has been able to anticipate in good time which direction the world is heading. Good investor expertise has also brought systematicity to the operations,” says Esa Räisänen, account lead at Business Finland.

Recently, Proventia signed a multi-million-dollar contract with Jaguar Land Rover in the UK for the supply of modular test centers for electric cars. And there have already been even more orders.

 “It has been great to support Proventia’s growth story and internationalization so far, as well as the next stage of conquering the US market,” Räisänen continues.

Director, Proventia Test Solutions Harri Kervinen and CEO Jari Lotvonen at the testing systems assembly plant in Oulu. Photo: Proventia

It all started with cleaning systems

Proventia’s roots go back to 1994, when Finnkatalyt Oy, which was founded in that year, produced, among other things, patented cleaning systems for small petrol engines. Proventia Group Oy started its operations in 2000.

“Currently, our Emission Control business designs exhaust after-treatment systems and components for engines, non-road machinery and heavy-duty vehicles. These are manufactured at our factory in the Czech Republic,” says Jari Lotvonen, CEO of Proventia.

A new significant business opportunity alongside the management of emissions from non-road machinery opened only a few years ago in the passenger car sector due to the rapid expansion of electric cars.

Electrification of cars opened new doors to the world

“Initially, we developed the first modular testing solution exclusively for our own product development needs. It soon became apparent that test modules would also be in demand elsewhere, as international companies manufacturing electric cars quickly needed new product development and testing environments to test new technologies,” says Lotvonen.

The Proventia modular test system can simulate the performance and durability of the vehicle’s engine, power line, battery or any component under all possible weather and driving conditions.

Modular test system saves space and costs

Our modular test system does not require a property or a building. This saves space and costs. In Oulu, we now have several test modules of our own in a row in the yard, with different sizes for different needs. Modules for our customers are built in Oulu and transported by sea from the port of Oulu.

The UK has been the first major market for Proventia’s test systems, and now new projects have also been launched in the United States.

sähköauton testausmoduli
Electric car testing module. Photo: Proventia

Business Finland contributes to accelerating growth

Proventia’s cooperation with Business Finland already started in 2008, first through the services of Finpro and Tekes. Throughout the period, Proventia has received grants for approximately EUR 1 million for export promotion and research and development.

In addition, Proventia has participated or is currently participating in various Co-Innovation projects between research organizations and companies.. Of these, the GREEF joint project is part of the Sustainable Manufacturing Finland program of Business Finland. Its aim is to promote low-carbon industrial production in Finland.

“There are many types of joint projects, and it is worth considering their benefits for your business. In the GREEF project, we investigated 3D printing methods together with VTT to reduce the carbon footprint of our production. Based on the research work of the University of Oulu, we are able to find out how important our customers consider the low-emission nature of our production and how we can develop environmentally friendly production to make it a competitive advantage,” says Lotvonen about the GREEF project.

“In the second joint project, we explored new methods for reducing nitrogen oxides from non-road machinery engines (TWIN-SCR double injection method). In addition to our companies, the project involved Wärtsilä and several research institutes,” Lotvonen continues.

A NO DAMAGE joint project is still in the application phase with the aim of creating simulation models for developing electronic vehicle axles.

In addition, Proventia has applied for an Exhibition Explorer grant to participate in the Bauma 2022 Fair. It is the world’s leading trade fair for mechanical engineering, arranged in Munich in October.

Establishing itself on the US market is Proventia’s next big leap. Business Finland helps Proventia, among other things, in searching for the right contacts and in location inquiries. A Proventia representative has already been at location in the US to explore and get to know options for conquering a new market area.

Read more about  Business Finland funding for research and development