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Online 10.11.2022

Business Opportunities in the Netherlands – Decarbonizing Industries



Time: 10.00–11.00 EET


Further Information

Marika Ollaranta
Head of Decarbonizing Industries, RRF
marika.ollaranta (at)

We welcome you to learn about the business opportunities in decarbonizing the Netherland’s industry, the drivers and solutions needed in the market and the opportunities in this field for Finnish companies. The webinar is targeted for Finnish companies that have solutions to decarbonize industries and want to gain understanding about the overall situation and the market opportunities in the Netherlands, and for everyone else interested in the subject.

Why the Netherlands?

To combat climate change and the current energy crisis, the Dutch government wants to reduce the Netherlands’ greenhouse gas emissions by 49% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels, and a 95% reduction by 2050. These goals are laid down in the Climate Act in 2019. The Climate Act and the National Climate Agreement set out the Netherlands’ climate goals. The National Climate agreement is based on the principle that reducing carbon emissions must be feasible and affordable for everyone. The government therefore seeks a cost-efficient transition that limits the financial impact.

The focus areas to reach the ambitious CO2 targets include the following:

  • Replacing natural gas with RES and hydrogen
  • Improving energy efficiency
  • Decarbonizing industrial processes
  • Reduction of energy consumption and efficiency improvement
  • Alternative feedstock for Chemical’s sector
  • Digital transformation and process optimization
  • Increased reliance on RES generation


10.00–10.05 Opening of the webinar by Marika Ollaranta, Head of Decarbonizing Industries RRF
10.05–10.20 "Why the Netherlands" by Petra Wullings, Trade Advisor, Team Finland in the Netherlands
10.20–10.50 Deep dive to the Netherland’s decarbonization needs by Horvath & Partners
10.50–11.00 Q&A and next steps
11.00 End of the webinar