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Helsinki, Finland 9.9.2022

Innovation and Growth Seminar, digital platforms, RDI and Finland's opportunities

Time: Friday, September 9, 2022 at 9:00 - 11:30 hrs

Place: Auditorio, Team Finland house, Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki


Contact details

Jari Hyvärinen

+358 50 5577 803

jari.hyvarinen (at)

We are happy to invite you to the Innovation and Growth Research Seminar to hear what opportunities Finland has in the global competition of digital platforms, what the results of the effectiveness of public interventions in R&D and innovation activities are as well as perspectives on challenge-oriented innovation policy.

The aim of the innovation research funded by Business Finland is to find solutions to the global challenges of the Finnish economy and society. It also seeks to promote dialogue between researchers and stakeholders, such as policy makers. 

Seminar Program

8:30-9:00 Coffee

9:00-9:10 Welcome, Jari Hyvärinen, Business Finland

9:10-9:35 Online Platforms: Significant Opportunities and Subtle Dangers, Martin Kenney, Professor, University of California, UC Davis

9:35-10:00 How can Finland accelerate the growth of the data and platform economy? Robin Gustafsson, Associate Professor, Aalto University

10:00-10:10 Coffee Break

10:10-10:35 Evolving innovation space and innovation policies, what do they mean for policy impact analysis? Jari Kuusisto, Rector, University of Vaasa

10:35-11:00 Funding for business development in disruptive circumstances: Regional economic impacts, Teemu Makkonen, Professor, University of Eastern Finland

11:00-11:20 Comment: The role of innovation activity in the Finnish national economy, Seija Ilmakunnas, Professor of Practice, University of Jyväskylä

 11:20-11:30 Final discussion

The Seminar will be held in English and organized on-site. We will not be streaming the Seminar. 

Read more about the Seminar in Finnish 

We look forward to welcoming you in person ! 

Seminar Materials