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Online 11.10.2022

N Mode Kickoff Event by Nordic Innovation House

At 17.00 Finnish time


The event is organised by the Nordic Innovation House. 


Participation is free of charge but requires a pre-registration on Nordic Innovation House's event page.

Register on Nordic Innovation House's event page


More information


Titta Houni
Senior Advisor, Consumer Business
Fashion Program Manager
titta.houni (at)

Nordic Innovation House NY is launching Nordic N_Mode, a market-entry program for Nordic apparel companies entering the US market. To introduce the program, Nordic Innovation House is organising an online kickoff event on 11.10.2022.

US market entry can be competitive, time-consuming, and expensive. Join the virtual kickoff event to learn how N Mode accelerates scaling your brand in the US market by equipping you with a team of mentors, coaches, advisors, and network of experts to ensure your go-to-market strategy is set up for success.


  • Welcome & Overview
  • How Programs Accelerate Market Entry
  • Nordic Success Story in the US
  • US Apparel Industry Overview
  • N/Mode Program Details
  • Q&A


Read more about the program on Nordic Innovation House's website.