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Online 17.8.2022

Opportunities for Waste Management & Decarbonization in South Korea

Time: 10-11.30 EEST MS Teams


Further Information

Emma Lee
emma.lee (at)
Senior Advisor 
Region East Asia and India

Business Finland warmly welcomes you to a seminar to hear about the market overview and trends, key players with their key activities, and relevant market opportunities in waste management and decarbonization focused on the chemical and steel industries in South Korea. 

The event is targeted for Finnish companies with solutions and technologies for waste gasification, pyrolysis, plastic recycling, CCUS, biogas production, hydrogen & e-fuel production from waste, energy efficiency, renewable feedstock, air pollutants reduction for w2e facilities, and incineration upgrade.

South Korea is the 10th largest economy in the world and the 4th biggest in Asia. It ranks 5th in the Ease of Doing Business score by World Bank and is one of the fastest recovering countries from COVID-19. In recent years, not only major conglomerates in South Korea but also start-ups are actively entering the waste management market due to the rapid increase of plastic waste and the booming ESG trend among others.

In line with a legislated national vision to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 and reach greenhouse gas emission targets, industries in Korea are pressured to transit into carbon-free operations with the petrochemical industry showing the highest drive for decarbonization.

Preliminary agenda

10:00 – 10:05 Opening the seminar by Marika Ollaranta, Head of Decarbonizing Industries, RRF, Business Finland
10:05 – 10:15 Welcoming words and introduction to South Korea – ‘Why Korea’ by Suvi Sundquist, Country Manager, Business Finland South Korea
10:15 – 11:00 Opportunities in South Korea for waste management & decarbonization in the chemical and steel industries by Emma Lee, Senior Advisor, Business Finland South Korea
11:00 – 11:15 Introduction of Finnvera’s export financing options by Marika Late, Finance Manager, Finnvera 
11:15 – 11:25 Q&A
11:25 – 11:30 Closing the seminar

The agenda is tentative and is subject to change. The final agenda and speakers will be posted closer to the event date.

The seminar is free of charge but requires registration.