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Webinar 1.11.2022

Plastics and Recycling Opportunities in Japan and Malaysia

Japan 9:00-10:00

Malaysia 10:00-11:00


Further information


Inka-Liisa Häkälä, Senior Advisor, Region East Asia and India
inka-liisa.hakala (at)


Mohamed Farid
, Senior Advisor, Region APAC
mohamed.farid (at)

Bio and Circular Finland

Outi Suomi, Head of Bio and Circular Finland
outi.suomi (at)

Anna Nikkilä, Program Coordinator
anna.nikkila (at)


Japan and Malaysia both provide significant business opportunities related to plastics recycling. The opportunities and key messages for Finnish companies are presented in one-hour webinar sessions focusing on each country. Join for either one or both!


Japan produces the second most plastic waste per capita in the world right after United States. Just plastic raw material shipments are around 10,000,000–11,000,000 tons per year domestically. Traditionally a large amount of the plastic waste has been exported to other Asian countries, but in recent years many countries have banned or restricted plastic waste imports making this unfeasible. The sheer size of the market and pressure for limiting plastic waste create a huge opportunity for Finnish packaging and recycling innovations.

In this webinar, you will learn about both Japanese markets for plastics alternatives as well as plastics recycling based on a study made by Intralink Group for Business Finland. We will go through market sizes, value chains and main players of both markets and go through main opportunities for Finnish companies.


9:00 Opening
09:05 Presentation on Japanese plastics replacing and recycling markets by Paula Dizon, Project Manager, Intralink Japan
09:50 Q&A


Plastic is a major industry in Malaysia: In 2018, the country had over 1,500 plastics-related manufacturing projects, of which approximately half were related to packaging production. According to experts, plastics recyclers could grow their contribution to the economy by 3-4 times, to an estimated MYR 15-20 billion (EUR 3.1-4.2 billion) annually. The huge disparity between the industry's existing and potential contributions highlights the wealth of economic opportunities waiting to be tapped. Finnish companies able to offer advanced solutions in plastics recycling (applying new technologies, building infrastructure, upgrading capacity) could tap growth opportunities in the market. More information on the business opportunities in Malaysian plastics recycling sector.

Join us and hear all about Malaysian plastic recycling value chain, landscape and its opportunities, as well as why investing in advanced technologies, infrastructure and upgraded capacity is the key to unleashing the sector's potential in Malaysia.


10:00 Opening
10:05 Presentations

  • Malaysian plastics recycling sector needs by Ili Salsabila, Country Manager, Orissa International
  • Dato' Johnson Yoon Jun Sheng, MPMA Central Committee and Recycling Sub-Committee

10:50 Q&A