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Łódź, Poland 13.9.2022

Polish Battery Day at the New Mobility Congress

New Mobility Congress 12.-14.9.2022
Battery events on 13.9.2022
Łódź, Poland


Registration required. Please register as soon as possible, but no later than 15.8.2022!

Register for the event

Further information

Anna Łomża
Senior Advisor
anna.lomza (at)
+48 500 826 560

Business Finland and Polish Alternative Fuels Association are pleased to invite you to join the New Mobility Congress in Łódź, Poland. As the international partner of the Congress, Finland will be participating in business discussions and events about sustainable battery production under the “Polish Battery Day” theme.

Poland has one of the most developed li-ion battery ecosystems in Europe, providing access to a number of market players along the battery value chain. Following a series of major foreign direct investments and national ecosystem development, Poland has become a key European battery production hub. The country ranks 4th in the world in terms of li-ion battery manufacturing capacity. Polish electromobility and battery industries offer opportunities for cooperation with Finnish companies and R&D organizations.

To position Finnish companies in the Polish battery value chain, Business Finland will participate in the major mobility business forum – New Mobility Congress – taking place in Łódź between 12.-14.9.2022. Event is arranged by Polish Alternative Fuels Association – the leading Polish and CEE organization supporting the e-mobility market development, with over 170 member companies. Topics covered during the Congress include individual mobility, public transport, charging infrastructure, hydrogen in transport, e-mobility and battery industry. Battery industry events will be taking place on one day of the Congress, on Tuesday 13.9.2022.

Finnish companies are invited to join the Congress under Team Finland umbrella. Event offers opportunities for Finnish companies to present their expertise during dedicated Finnish seminar, technology sessions about raw materials and battery recycling, panel discussions, as well as networking cocktail and matchmaking meetings. For more information, please contact Business Finland.

Who should participate?

  • Finnish suppliers of technologies and services for battery manufacturing
  • Finnish suppliers of technologies and services for the battery surrounding value chain, e.g. e-mobility, energy
  • Other Finnish stakeholders (incl. researchers) interested in the Polish e-mobility and battery market

Preliminary agenda

12.9.: Late afternoon arrival to Warsaw, transfer to Łódź
13.9.: Polish Battery Day at the New Mobility Congress, networking reception
14.9.: Transfer to Warsaw, departure

Terms and conditions

Business Finland will charge 500 EUR (excluding VAT) participation fee per company for covering a portion of the realized costs. Participants shall be responsible for booking and covering the cost of flights between Finland and Poland and accommodation costs.

Register your participation as soon as possible, but no later than 15.8.2022. Please note that the number of participating companies is limited. Business Finland reserves the right to select the participating companies based on their profiles and relevance for the Polish market, as well as to cancel the event if there are not enough interested companies.

Contact Anna Łomża, Senior Advisor at Business Finland Warsaw, for more information and possibilities to join the event: anna.lomza (at), mobile: +48 500 826 560.