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Online 30.9.2022

Quantum Computing Opportunities for Companies

When: Friday, 30 September at 12:30 PM

Where: Online Webinar at MS-Teams


Please register for the Webinar by clicking the button below. 


More information 

Outi Keski-Äijö

Eco-System Lead

+ 358 50 5577 663

outi.keski-aijo (at)

Business Finland received various idea papers from Universities and VTT for the Quantum Computing Call, and now selected applicants are finalizing their applications and are ready to present their ideas to companies interested in Quantum Computing.

What can you look forward to; e.g., projects based on various experiments in which companies interested in getting hands-on experiences can take part-in. Companies are also able to join steering groups to guide projects of interest to them.


  1. Framework for analyzing feasibility of quantum computing use cases
  2. Towards reliable quantum software development approaches and use cases
  3. Combinatorial optimization with hybrid quantum-classical algorithms
  4. Quantum computing for new materials
  5. Computational interfaces between data & quantum computing units
  6. Kvanttilaskennan tulevaisuuden kestävien markkinoiden rakentumisen ehdot
  7. Universal fault tolerant quantum computer assembly

We look forward to seeing you online! 

Timely decision-making is needed because companies need to commit prior to Thursday, 13 October 2022!