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Helsinki 30.8.2022

Secure Societies Export Booster

Time: 14:30 – 15:30 (Finnish Time)
Venue: Meeting Park Kluuvi (Kluuvikatu 7 - 4th floor, 00100 Helsinki)

The seats of the event is limited. To register, please contact Mr. João Bordon.


Further information

Mr. João Bordon
Senior Advisor, Business Finland
joao.bordon (at)

Welcome to hear about the latest developments and plans of Secure Societes Export Booster on 30 August at 14:30 – 15:30 (Finnish Time).


14:30 Welcome Speech
Ms. Heidi Virta, Sr. Director & Head of Region Latin America, Business Finland

14:35 Recent Developments and Plans

14:40 Brazil
Mr. João Bordon, Senior Advisor, Business Finland

14:50 Chile
Mr. Tomás Pacheco, Senior Advisor, Business Finland

15:00 Colombia
Mr. Rick Dellemann, Consultant, Business Finland & Mr. Nicolas Vassallo, Senior Advisor, Business Finland

15:10 Lessons learned in Latin America
Mr. Aleksis Kajava, Vice President Europe & Latin America, Vaisala

15:20 Final discussion

15:30 End of the event