Europe is investing in a greener and more digital society for a more sustainable and resilient future post-pandemic. The healthcare sector and hospitals in particular are in urgent need of modernizing to meet the future demographics challenges, and to create growth.
Sweden and Finland are two nations in the forefront in technology and culture in designing, building and equipping the future hospitals. In this seminar, we learn from each other with the goal of creating stronger Nordic offers and branding globally.
The event is a collaboration between Nordic Center for Sustainable Healthcare (NCSH) in Sweden and Business Finland.
13:00 Registration
13:30–14:00 Welcome note by H.E. Ambassador Maimo Henriksson and introduction to the subject by Daniel Eriksson (CEO, NCSH)
14:00–14:45 PANEL 1: Best practices from Sweden and Finland: Examples of successful projects, installations and methods
Moderator: Daniel Eriksson (CEO, NCSH). Panelists (more TBA): Carolina Pettersson (Director of Sustainability, Region Stockholm), Ulla Nykter (Group Manager, Granlund).
14:45–15:15 Coffee break
15:15–16:00 PANEL 2: Future concrete collaboration. What possibilities and needs exist to enable collaboration between Sweden and Finland and internationally?
Moderator: Nima Jokilaakso (Senior Advisor, Business Finland). Panelists (more TBA): Anders Nordström (Ambassador for Global Health, representing IHDA), Annabella Polo (Senior Advisor & Project Manager, Business Finland).
16:00–17:00 Networking and mingle at the Embassy
Finnish and Swedish stakeholders interested in knowledge exchange on state-of-the-art in Future Hospitals design and construction.
The participation is free of charge but will require a registration.