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Online 20.9.2022

Solidarity Transport Hub in Poland – Business opportunities and potential partners for Finnish companies

Venue: Online Teams

Attendance to the webinar is free of charge, however, requires a registration via the link below.


Further information

Ms. Anna Łomża
Senior Advisor, Business Finland, Poland
anna.lomza (at)


Ms. Tiina Luoma
Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
tiina.luoma (at)

Poland is developing a transfer hub between the major cities of Warsaw and Łódź. The hub will integrate air, rail and road transport. The development includes construction of a major airport (covering an area of 3.000 hectares) that will become a key Central European transport hub.

The project is one of the major infrastructure investments in Poland and is a top priority for the Polish government. It is now in the key planning stage and international experiences are much welcome by the company supervising the investment. You can find more information about the project here: Solidarity Transport Hub.

Business Finland has been cooperating with Solidarity Transport Hub company in the field of experience and know-how exchange related primarily to the airport component of STH investment. A number of Finnish companies participated in several group workshops and individual meetings to share their expertise with STH.

To further support Polish-Finnish cooperation within the STH investment, we want to equip Finnish companies with the right knowledge about the current status of the project, more detailed information about the business opportunities and potential Polish partners you may consider for capturing the opportunities. During the webinar we will present the recent report about the STH project prepared by a leading Polish consultancy company in the aviation business, BBSG.

Who should participate in the webinar?

  • Finnish suppliers of technologies and services towards airports and other logistic hubs, primarily focusing on: airport equipment and maintenance, airport operations management, airport and railway technologies (e.g. connectivity, security and surveillance, sensors and systems), BIM, sustainability at airports and in aviation, smart building / smart city

Agenda (EEST time)

10:00 Welcome and introductions by Business Finland
10:10 Solidarity Transport Hub – analysis of the business opportunities and potential partners for Finnish companies – Bartosz Baca, Partner and Jarosław Zych, Associate, BBSG
11:00 Q&A
11:20 Summary and closing of the meeting

The webinar is targeted only to Finnish companies and their local partners in Poland. The event will be held in English.