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Webinar 25.10.2022

Webinar on US Fashion market study

At 16.00-17.00 Finnish time


Microsoft Teams webinar


Participation is free of charge but requires a pre-registration via the link below.

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More information


Titta Houni
Senior Advisor, Consumer Business
Fashion Program Manager
titta.houni (at)

Join us on 25.10.2022 to learn more about a study commissioned by Business Finland on the United States' fashion market and the opportunities it presents to Finnish apparel companies!

Entering the US market can seem overwhelming, especially in the apparel industry. The market in Finland is limited and the companies looking for growth must look outside the country's borders for new customers. The United States is a large market and presents an interesting opportunity for Finnish companies looking for growth. Despite all the bad economic headlines, consumer spending remains strong in the US.

Business Finland is publishing a study on the US Fashion Market for Finnish companies. We explore how Finnish companies should prepare to enter the market, how to budget and what resources are needed, what kind of services to buy, and how to build the brand story and community. For this market research, we've interviewed some of the key figures in the fashion sector operating in the US. The study will give you useful insight into the US fashion market.


16.00 Presentation of the US fashion market study
16.30 Questions and conversation
17.00 End of event

This event is meant for Finnish companies interested in the US apparel market.