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Frankfurt, Germany 30.3.2023

Germany: Cyber resilience for manufacturing – German Finnish Business Matchmaking Event

Time: Thursday, March 30, 2023 10 AM - 4.30PM CEST (German time)

Venue: The Squaire next to the Frankfurt Airport (FRA)


Further information

Kirsi Kokko
Head of Digital Trust Program
+358 50 550 2023
kirsi.kokko (at)

Venni Metsäranta
Program Coordinator 
+358 50 40 70305
venni.metsaranta (at) 

Caroline Hettwer
Senior Advisor – ICT & Digitalization, Business Finland Germany
caroline.hettwer (at)

Christina Rinne
Network Lead, Business Ecosystems
christina.rinne (at)

The Business Finland Digital Trust Program and Business Finland Germany are organizing a business matchmaking in Frankfurt, Germany.

The event is organized in corporation with the local consultant who provided a webinar with a market study on the Industrial Cybersecurity needs in Germany last year. The event will contain two parts. The opening part will be the official part, containing welcoming words, key notes from Germany, and short company presentations from Finland. The second part will be filled with 1-to-1 meetings between Finnish and German companies.


10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Registration & Coffee/ Tea 
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM: Welcoming words, key notes and company presentations 
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM: Lunch break
01:30 PM - 01:40 PM: Consultant to initiate the one-to-one meetings. (four rounds) 
03:00 PM: General get together
04:30 PM: Closing words 

Germany is Europe's largest cybersecurity market, and this trend is amplified by the current security threat scenario. The German Cyber Security Association estimates that over 80% of German companies will increase their spending on IT security in 2023. At the same time, 49% of the Mittelstand (SME/family businesses) do not have a team with a dedicated role and experience to tackle the situation. In conclusion, cyber resilience is essential for German Maschinenbau companies to remain competitive in the digital age and to protect their operations and assets from potential cyber threats.

It is time to engage in a dialogue and join our networking event. You can expect 15+ players from the German machine building, manufacturing, and engineering industry, as well as IT Services companies and solution integrators serving this industry. Among the announced participants are manufacturing giant Heidelberg Materials, the leading cyber services house Controlware, and consulting icon KMPG. Engage in networking and discussions with CIO, CISO, and IT Ops responsible decision makers.

For participating companies there is a chance to give a short presentation of your offering to the German stakeholders (2 min.) during the first part of the event.
Additionally, one-to-one meetings will be arranged individually on-site in our second part of the day. The meeting arrangement is based on the Finnish joint offering and the needs and fields of interest of the German participants. Therefore, together with the consultant, Business Finland will provide a schedule and information for each participating company, approximately one week prior to the event. 

Participation Fee

To cover the expenses of arranging the visit, Business Finland will charge a participation fee. The cost estimate is based on six companies participating. In case there are more participants, that will lower the total costs per company.
• Micro Businesses and SMEs: 810 EUR + 24% VAT per company
• Major Companies: 950 EUR + 24% VAT per company

There can be one or two participants per company.

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation nor meals outside the business delegation program. 


The meet the buyer event will take place on March 30th at the Squaire which is located next to Frankfurt Airport (FRA) and the A3 motorway, and directly above the airport railway station.

As the meet the buyer event is only two months away, we urge you to quickly sign up for it and start looking for flights and accommodation. A thorough information letter will be provided with registered companies and more detailed instructions.