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Online 30.05.2023

Market Opportunities in the Railway Ecosystem in Italy

14.00 – 15.00 (EEST)

The webinar will be held in English via Microsoft Teams. The webinar is free of charge but requires a registration via the link below, latest by 28th of May.


Further information

Luke Kähkönen
Advisor, Business Finland 
luke.kahkonen (at)

The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector, Team Finland and ITS Finland organize a webinar presenting results of a market opportunity study on the railway ecosystem in Italy.

Themes covered include structure and key players of the railway sector in Italy, market needs, public funding driving investment decisions, key trends and challenges.

The webinar is targeted at Finnish companies in the smart and sustainable transport sector with solutions for railways.


Kimmo Ylisiurunen, The Finnish Sustainable Growth Programme for the Transport Sector

Presenting the results of the market opportunity study 
Marjaana Karjalainen, Dreamex

Q&A and next steps

15:00 End of the webinar

Join us to hear the exciting market study results and opportunities that are presented for Finnish companies in the railway ecosystem in Italy.