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Tokyo, Japan 24.–26.5.2023

Trade mission to Japan for low carbon built environment companies

Register for the visit no later than March 23, 2023


Further Information

Inka-Liisa Häkälä
Senior Advisor in Japan
inka-liisa.hakala (at)


Kari Laine
Head of low carbon built environment
kari.laine (at)

Business Finland’s Low carbon built environment program is organizing a trade mission to Japan. The purpose of this trade mission is to identify business collaboration opportunities for Finnish companies and get direct contacts in the Japanese market. During this three-days trade mission, Business Finland will organize B2B meetings, networking event, site visit and a visit to Construction & Survey Productivity Improvement EXPO (CSPI expo) that showcases cutting-edge technology of the next generation in one place. B2B meetings will be tailored for each participant by our consultant partner, enabling real business talks.

Japanese construction markets

The Japanese construction market was worth EUR 607bn in 2021, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 0.7% between 2016 and 2021. The non-residential construction segment was the industry’s highest in 2021, with a value of EUR 434.6bn, representing 71.5% of the industry total. The non-residential sector remains robust as investment in public infrastructure and confidence in the rebound of demand remain high. Future investments are expected in renewable energy, telecommunications, and manufacturing systems.

Japan’s strategy to cut emission rates of both operational and embodied carbon is largely focused on improving energy performance in the residential/commercial sector through the usage of timber and low-carbon building materials. The biggest area of opportunity lies in the sustainability sector, which is still relatively untapped but one that will expand in line with the government’s sustainability goals.

Opportunities for Finnish companies in Japan are in the following areas:

  • Helping Japanese companies to become more sustainable (e.g., materials and digital solutions to track real-time data on wastage and carbon emissions)
  • Helping Japanese companies increase efficiency and resolve labor shortage (e.g., one-stop platform that integrates existing systems)

Preliminary agenda of the visit

May 24th: Visit to CSPI Expo
May 25th: Tailored B-to-B business matchings + networking event
May 26th: Site visit to Japanese construction companies

Who should attend?

The visit is aimed for Finnish companies that have export solutions for low-carbon built environment and want to pursue Japan as a strategic market or partner. The participating companies should have products/solutions/services for:

  • energy efficiency and the optimization of energy use,
  • low carbon building materials,
  • digital design, construction, and operation processes,
  • data and tools for managing both the built environment life cycle and smooth everyday life


Kindly note that participation is limited to 10 companies on a first come – first served basis. To cover the expenses of arranging the visit, Business Finland will charge a participation fee.

  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 680 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Major Companies: 800 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program.