Business Finland Türkiye is organizing a webinar targeting opportunities for Finnish companies in the Turkish hydrogen economy. The webinar will take place on December 14th, 2022 at 09:00-10:30 (UTC +2). Following the webinar and based on the Finnish companies' interest, activities such as B2B meetings and networking will be planned for 2023.
- 09:00 Welcome and introduction – Pelin Gokcek Adiyaman, Senior Advisor, Business Finland Türkiye
- 09:05 Hydrogen Economy Opportunities in Türkiye – Melih Nalcioglu, Managing Director, Consul People
- 09:35 Mehmet Volkan Duman, Energy Manager, Industry Unit, South Marmara Development Agency
- 09:55 Hydrogen Technologies Association of Turkiye – Prof. Dr. Incı Eroglu, Vice-Chairman
- 10:15 Q&A
- 10:25 Wrap up and next steps – Pelin Gokcek Adiyaman, Senior Advisor, Business Finland Türkiye
- 10:30 End of the webinar
Rapid economic growth in Türkiye in the past two decades has led to a steep increase in energy demand and energy imports. With the TL depreciating against the USD over the last few years, the energy import bill has become a financial burden for the government. With Türkiye’s October 2021 ratification of the Paris Agreement, and declaration of a target to reach Net Zero by 2053, this might change energy policy in the future.
Türkiye’s gas import dependence led Türkiye to focus on alternative energy sources.Hydrogen is seen as a potential additional domestic energy supply and Türkiye has also started looking into green hydrogen exports to Europe and has carried out preliminary studies of potential markets. There are many hydrogen related developments going on in Türkiye such as Country Strategy for hydrogen under preparation, tests for hydrogen blending into natural gas grids, Türkiye's first green hydrogen plant started to operate and there are plans to turn it into a hydrogen valley.
In line with Türkiye's ratification of Paris Agreement and Green Deal effect on the decarbonization of certain industries, big industrial players e.g. in energy production, gas distribution, petrochemicals, iron & steel, cement, ceramics, etc. have also started to declare their hydrogen strategy.
During the webinar, Consul People will present the opportunities in Turkish market and will be followed-up by case examples from well-known Turkish industry players from the hydrogen economy scene. Based on the interest of the participating Finnish companies, Business Finland Türkiye will plan the activities for hydrogen economy related Finnish companies for 2023.
Why participate in this event?
There are many enablers for hydrogen economy related opportunities in Türkiye such as:
- National Hydrogen Energy Strategy of Türkiye is expected to be announced soon by the Turkish Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
- Türkiye’s ratification of the Paris Agreement, and declaration of Net Zero Carbon Target
- The search for alternative energy sources in Türkiye due to the dependence on gas imports
- Established natural gas pipeline infrastructure and EU connection
- Successfully completed tests for hydrogen blending into the gas grid
- Increase in share of renewables in the energy mix with low-cost renewable energy generation capabilities
- Announcements of decarbonization roadmaps and green hydrogen projects by leading companies in their sectors
- Completion of local technology developments for small-scale projects
- Increase in hydrogen-related projects, events, and organizations and increase in the level of interest among industry players (participation of a higher number of players in the events)
- A significant amount of domestic natural gas production is expected by the exploration of new gas fields
- Potential usage of sodium borohydride (where Turkiye has significant boron reserves) as a hydrogen carrier
Who should participate in this event?
Finnish suppliers of products, technologies and services around:
- Electrolyzers
- Engineering, Design & Development Services for Electrolysis Plants
- Technology, Equipment & Solutions for Electrolysis
- Sea Water Desalination Systems
- Technology & Equipment Suppliers (e.g.; hydrogen compatible pipes, tanks, valves, fittings, measurement, etc.)
- Logistics, storage & distribution services
- Tankers for distribution
- CO2 capture systems
- Methane and ammonia production related solutions
- Renewable liquid fuel related solutions
- Fuel Cell
- Engines/Turbines etc.