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Online 13.5.2022

Los Angeles Green New Deal and business opportunities for Finnish companies

At 15:00 - 16:00 EEST / 05:00 - 06:00 PDT

The event is free of charge, however, requires a registration through the link below.


Further information

Ms. Jennifer Tarkiainen, Business Finland Silicon Valley
jennifer.tarkiainen (at)

Mr. Jukka Salminiitty, Consulate General of Finland Los Angeles
jukka.salminiitty (at)

Finnish companies interested in learning more about the Los Angeles Green New Deal and potential commercial opportunities are invited to join an informational and interactive webinar organized by Team Finland USA (Business Finland Silicon Valley and the Finnish Consulate in Los Angeles).

Los Angeles is the third-largest municipal economy in the world, with a population of nearly 4 million and a city budget of more than $11 billion. The Los Angeles Green New Deal is one of the most comprehensive and most ambitious green initiatives published by any city in the U.S. setting specific goals and mandating that city departments lead the charge to reach the goals.

During the webinar, Finnish companies will gain an overview of the Los Angeles Green New Deal plan and a deeper dive into three areas within the plan, including: renewable energy, mobility & transport (including ports), and Zero Emission Vehicles. The Los Angeles Green New Deal also encompasses: clean and healthy buildings, industrial emissions & air quality monitoring, water management, waste & resource recovery, food systems, urban ecosystems, housing and development, environmental justice, and green jobs.

Finnish companies are invited to ask questions, discuss areas of opportunities, and express interest in further collaboration with Team Finland USA.

Following the webinar, a report will be published to provide additional insight for Finnish companies looking to leverage the Los Angeles Green New Deal further.


Introduction to Team Finland USA, Finland & Los Angeles collaboration, highlighting the Los Angeles Green New Deal
Mr. Okko-Pekka Salmimies, Consul General of Finland in Los Angeles

Deeper dive into the LA Green New Deal and potential opportunity areas for Finnish companies
Mr. Thomas Riebs, CEO of AXEL

Q&A, participants are encouraged to provide ask questions and provide feedback

Concluding Remarks & Next Steps
Mr. Jukka Salminiitty, Senior Trade Commissioner, Consulate General of Finland in Los Angeles
Ms. Jennifer Tarkiainen, Senior Business Advisor, Business Finland Silicon Valley