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Thailand 23.-25.11.2022

Team Finland visit to Thailand

Interested? Register by 24 October 2022. 


Further information


Mr. Kai Tuorila
Counsellor, trade and investment, Team Finland, Embassy of Finland
+66 61 421 8382
kai.tuorila (at)

Mr. Kimmo Pekari
Special Advisor, Embassy of Finland
+66 81 844 2386
kimmo.pekari (at)

Ms. Päivi Mähönen
Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
+358 40 343 3468
paivi.mahonen (at)

The Team Finland network is organizing a Business Delegation visit to Thailand on 23 - 25 November, 2022. Participating in the Team Finland visit will give an unique opportunity to meet relevant Thai companies and officials. The visit is led by Ms. Nina Vaskunlahti, Under-Secretary of State for External Economic Relations, Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

The Bio, Circular & Green economic development plan (BCG) is a key policy for Thailand to reach its promises given during the Glasgow summit (reduce greenhouse gas emission 20% by 2030, and carbon neutral by 2050). So far practical action has been seen in the Thai energy master plan, favoring renewable and biobased waste streams as future energy source, and promoting Thailand as one of the world’s EV manufacturing hubs. To facilitate the Thai-Finnish Circular Economy cooperation, a MoU with the Thai Ministry of Industry (MoI) was signed in October 2021.

Big Thai companies like SCG, PTT, CP and Bangchak are leading the way in the sustainability transition – with huge investment budgets for Green House Gas (GHG) reduction technologies for the coming years. Foreign partners are actively looked for with a particular interest in high-value bio-based products, new materials and new energy solutions.

MoU on digitalization and Smart City co-operation with Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MoDES) was signed last February, to facilitate Thai-Finnish co-operation. Study on Thai Smart Cities was conducted to identify focus areas, and also a workshop has been planned on digitalization of citizen services.

 Read more about these opportunities

 Interested? Register by 18 October, 2022


Other interesting opportunities

Other identified circular economy related opportunities for Finnish knowhow include industry emission monitoring, industrial wastewater recycling solutions, and recycling of waste plastics and EV batteries.

  • Thailand has announced new regulations requiring new factories to install ‘Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) from early next year, when old factories have one year grace period.

  • Industrial waste water regulations and enforcement are becoming more stringent. Same time seasonal draught and lack of raw water is forcing industries to look for solutions to clean and reuse their process waters. Thailand Textile Institute and The Association of Thai Textile Bleaching Dyeing Printing and Finishing Industries are interested to organizer workshop on this topic during the delegation visit.

  • Thailand is focusing to be Electric Vehicle production hub (1 million cars annually by 2030), and 10 big investment projects for EV batteries are going on. Local studies on recycling EV batteries have been done, and solutions and collaboration are looked for.

  • Thai companies are looking for new solutions to deal with plastic waste.

Other identified opportunities are in developing paperless citizen services, and utilizing AI engines and big data. A workshop on these topics together with MoDES has been planned during the delegation visit.

There is big interest also for Finnish Smart Health solutions, especially related to active ageing solutions.

Who should attend?

 The visit is aimed for Finnish companies already present in Thailand, those actively pursuing Thailand as strategic market or partner, and those representing Finnish flagship solutions and technologies in circular economy and digitalization.

Preliminary program

Practicalities & Participation fee 

To cover the expenses of arranging the business delegation program, Business Finland will charge a participation fee.

  • Major Companies: 2200 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 1900 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the delegate nor meals outside the delegation program.

We are closely following the Covid-19 travel restrictions and upcoming changes related to them. The business delegation may be postponed if restrictions are tightened in Thailand.