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The Netherlands 3.-5.4.2023

Trade Mission to the Netherlands

Register for the visit no later than 22 February, 2023!


Further Information

Mr. Kari Laine
Head of Low carbon built environment Program, Business Finland
+358 50 444 9151

Ms. Petra Wullings

Trade Advisor, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 (0)6 105 45 937
E-mail: petra.wullings (at)


Ms. Erna Kare
Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
+358 50 511 4502

firstname.lastname (at)

Business Finland’s Low-carbon built environment program is organizing a trade mission to the Netherlands on 3-5 April, 2023. The purpose of this trade mission is to create good business collaboration opportunities for the Finnish companies and get direct contacts in the Dutch market. During the trade mission the companies will meet potential Dutch buyers and decision makers in the area, who have expressed their interest to evaluate Finnish building solutions. Participating in the Trade mission will give a unique opportunity to meet relevant Dutch companies in the construction industry.

Why the Netherlands?

The urgency for finding new, smarter and less carbon intensive solutions for the construction industry is currently very high in the Netherlands. At the same time, several segments in the sector are under pressure to increase production output. The new-built segment must answer the highly ambitious target set by the Dutch government for building 100 000 new residences yearly for the coming 10 years. In the renovation segment, the Netherlands faces a huge task of transitioning seven million homes and one million other buildings from gas as energy source to other alternative solutions by 2050. Read more about the opportunities in the Netherlands.

Main sustainable building trends in the Netherlands include:

  • Prefabrication for smarter, faster, and lower waste building process.
  • Transformative construction: repurposing, upgrading, and topping up existing buildings especially in urban areas.
  • Increasing the use of biobased materials, wood in particular
  • Digitalization of the design and construction process

Who should attend?

The visit is aimed for Finnish companies that have export solutions for low-carbon built environment and want to pursue the Netherlands as a strategic market or partner. The participating companies should have products/solutions/services for:

  • energy efficiency and the optimization of energy use,
  • low carbon building materials,
  • digital design, construction, and operation processes,
  • data and tools for managing both the built environment life cycle and smooth everyday life,
  • fast & sustainable building; modularity, hybrid building.

Kindly note that participation is limited to 10 companies on a first come – first served basis.  

Preliminary program


To cover the expenses of arranging the visit, Business Finland will charge a participation fee.

  • Micro Businesses and SMEs: 680 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Major Companies: 800 EUR + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will note exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the participant nor meals outside the business delegation program.