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News 28.07.2022

Overnight stays by visitors increased by one-quarter from the previous year in June 2022

In total, 1.78 million overnight stays were recorded for resident visitors and 0.37 million overnight stays for non-resident visitors in June 2022.

The number of nights spent by resident visitors was eight per cent higher than in June 2021. The number of overnight stays by non-resident visitors was four times higher than in the previous year. However, the total number of overnight stays in June 2022 was six per cent lower than in June 2019 before the corona pandemic. These figures are preliminary data from Statistics Finland's accommodation statistics.

Line chart on the number of overnight stays by resident and non-resident tourists by month from June 2018 to June 2022. The number of overnight stays by non-resident tourists started to grow gradually in the latter half of 2021 after the drop caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The number of overnight stays by resident tourists has grown in places to a higher level than before the pandemic.

Key points

  • In Uusimaa, the number of overnight stays doubled compared to last year’s June.
  • The number of nights spent by foreign visitors was 40 per cent lower than in June 2019. The largest groups of visitors were from Germany, the United States and Sweden.
  • In June, overnight stays at hotels increased by 38 per cent from the year before, while overnight stays at other accommodation establishments decreased by three per cent.
  • The occupancy rate of hotel rooms was 54 per cent. Compared with the previous year, the occupancy rate increased by 14 percentage points.
  • The average price of a hotel room was EUR 116, having been EUR 97 one year earlier. Among large towns, the average price of a hotel room was highest in Helsinki, EUR 135.

Source: Accommodation Statistics, Statistics Finland