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Content and purpose of the document publicity description

In accordance with Section 28 of the Act on Information Management in Public Administration (906/2019), data management units must maintain a description of the data resources and the case register it manages. The description must be prepared in order to ensure public access to documents and administrative transparency. Document publicity descriptions make it easier for members of the public to determine where to request information from.

Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland and Business Finland Oy form a joint data management unit.

Everyone has the right to obtain information from documents in the possession of the authorities that are public in nature (Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999), Section 8). Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland's documents are mainly public. However, some documents may also contain confidential information. Under the Act on the Openness of Government Activities or other applicable legislation, there is always a reason for keeping documents confidential. In addition, a party has the right to be informed in matters relating to themselves. Business Finland Oy's documents are subject to the Act on the Openness of Government Activities when it exercises public authority (Business Finland Oy's funding activities).

Case register

Business Finland maintains a register of initiated cases and related documents using a case and document management system. Information can be retrieved in various ways, for example by the name of the document matter or document, specific periods of time, or author(s) or sender(s) of the case or document.

Data pools

Data pools refer to the totality of data generated in the performance of tasks.

Physical data pools

  • Document archive of the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (Tekes) 1983–2009

Electronic data pools

  • The electronic archives of Tekes and, since 2018, of Innovation Funding Agency Business Finland 2010–
  • Business Finland Oy's electronic archive (funding)  2019-



General administration and control data Strategy 
Performance agreement 
Annual report
Board / Management team meeting notes
Impact report 
Corporate social responsible report
Human resources data Candidates for open positions
Nomination decision for a post
Nomination memorandum
Detailed collective bargaining agreement for the public sector and other collective bargaining agreements
Economic data Report of the board of directors
Financial statements
Operations plan and economic plan
Funding data Online funding data (paid and granted funding, information on public research and enterprise projects included in the program)  
Old material: Organization name, project name
Program data Program name or subject area  
International parthership data Contractual party
European Union  
EU framework program
Communications data

Name of publication, author or subject area


Contact details for requests for information

Requests for information can be made to the Business Finland registry office either by email to kirjaamo (at) or with secure email.

Efforts are made to provide the data in electronic form within two weeks of the request. If the request for information requires extensive research, the material will be provided no later than one month after the request. If necessary, we will provide assistance in specifying the request for information. The data for the 1983–2009 period is archived in paper form. Please note that these materials are not lent out – they must be viewed separately on site upon agreement.

Public information is provided by Business Finland's registry office, but in case of doubt the request is processed by Business Finland's lawyer in charge of publicity matters together with the person responsible for the content. If a request for information concerns a public document, there is no need to justify the request for information, and the person making the request does not need to disclose what the information is to be used for. If the request concerns a confidential document, the information may be disclosed only under certain conditions, and the person requesting the document must indicate the intended purpose and be able to verify their identity.

Salary specifications related to a project funded by Business Finland can only be handed over to the accountable project leader of the project or to a person who has the right of sole representation of the company registered in the trade register. If other employees of your company or persons outside your company need salary specifications, in these cases too the forms will be handed over either to the accountable project leader of the project or to a person who has sole representation rights of the company registered in the trade register. The forms are handed over as an attachment to an encrypted e-mail message, so the message can be forwarded without opening the attachments.

Requests under the data protection regulation

When a person/data subject wishes to check whether data concerning them is being processed, and to what extent, a request for verification can be made using the form Requests are stored in case management with limited permissions in order to track responses to requests. In case of more general data protection matters, Business Finland can also be contacted by email at tietosuoja (at)