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European Space Agency ESA

Finnish space activities are based on national space strategy and conducted through European Space Agency's (ESA) programs, national programs and bilateral international agreements. Finland became an Associate Member State of ESA in 1987 and a full Member in 1995.


The Finnish focus of space activities is on earth observation, navigation and science. An important goal is to enlarge the use of space technology in other business sectors through technology transfer.

Business Finland is responsible for coordinating and financing the Finnish participation in ESA. Business Finland and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment fund Finland's ESA membership and participation to ESA programs annually with EUR 20 million.

Business Finland has the primary responsibility for funding of scientific instruments that are developed in national projects for ESA programmes and for bilateral projects.

Get to know Finland's New Space Economy know-how

Space Finland website presents Finnish space policy and gives an overview of space activities in Finland including business and research. Read

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