The funding call implements the Sustainable Growth Program for Finland, which is part of the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF). RRF funding promotes structural renewal in business and industry and the creation of a competitive edge based on Finnish companies’ sustainable solutions.
The financed projects must involve significant development and modernization of companies’ low-carbon and/or circular economy solutions or service business models.
The projects must be research and development projects on topics such as:
Key application criteria include pursued significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, circular economy, innovation, promotion of digitalization, impact on the company's renewal, and desired international turnover, as well as the company’s expertise and ability required to implement the project, and the project implementation plan.
Projects funded through aid:
Projects must be completed by December 31, 2025.
Key application criteria include pursuing significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, circular economy and digital renewal, the potential formation of mutual offerings and the project’s impact on the renewal of the company, the international turnover sought, the expertise and ability required to implement the project, and the project implementation plan.
Each project funded through the Sustainable Growth Program for Finland must meet the “Do No Significant Harm” requirements. The EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) requires that no measures do any significant harm to the environment.
According to the preliminary plan, a total of EUR 4 million of funding will be granted. Business Finland will make funding decisions following normal selection criteria.
Applications must be submitted by June 30, 2022 for funding granted in 2022.
Please contact your Business Finland contact person or our customer service (Label your email with: RRF – Funding call for industrial projects related to low-carbon circular economy, digitalization, and service development) well before submitting the application.
If you are a new customer, please visit the Become a customer page.
NOTE! The date of the info session on the funding call will be specified at a later time.
Read more about Finland's program for sustainable growth